Green Party McKinney Vs. Obama on War Policies, Impeachment, Environment, & Energy

Greens promote ‘Peace Slate’ and call Obama/Biden the ‘faux antiwar’ ticket, citing Obama’s record and warhawk positions on military funding, US troops in Afghanistan, threats against Iran; McKinney speaks out on Dems’ complicity in Bush-Cheney hijacking of the US

Video: Cindy Sheehan endorses Cynthia McKinney for President
Part 1
Part 2

Video: Cynthia McKinney discusses major issues…deos?user=RunCynthiaRun

Ms. McKinney on the Democratic Party:

WASHINGTON, DC — Calling the Obama/Biden ticket the “faux antiwar” candidates, Green Party leaders urged national support and votes for the Green Party nominees, Cynthia McKinney and Rosa Clemente, and for the party’s ‘Peace Slate’ of candidates for Congress and other offices.

Greens challenged the belief among many pro-Obama voters that his candidacy opposed the warhawk actions of the Bush-Cheney White House, and noted that the Democrat-led Congress elected in 2006 — including Sen. Obama — endorsed most of the Bush Administration’s legislative agenda.

Green leaders also noted that the Democratic leadership, including Sen. Obama, failed to hold the President and Vice President accountable for a host of crimes and abuses of power and rejected motions for impeachment. In 2006, Cynthia McKinney, as Georgia Representative to the US House, introduced the first impeachment motion. (See below for a comparison of McKinney/Clemente and Obama/Biden on military and foreign policy, energy and the environment, and impeachment.)

In a sharply worded speech delivered in Denver on August 24, Ms. McKinney discussed the complicity of the Democratic Party in the Bush Administration’s ‘hijacking’ of America:

“When it came to the Constitution, the Democratic leadership showed us that aiding and abetting illegal spying on us was more important to them than protecting our civil liberties…. The Democratic Party’s national leadership gave us the Iran Naval Blockade bill, the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act, and telecom immunity. They continue to fund war and occupation to the tune of $720 million a day while our children graduate from college tens — or even hundreds — of thousands of dollars in debt. Entire cities are going into receivership while the Democratic leadership in Congress gives the Pentagon one half trillion dollars annually with no accountability, no strings attached. That’s over and above spending for war.”

Ms. McKinney noted that “[t]he Democratic Party’s national leadership didn’t even mention Hurricanes Katrina and Rita survivors in their Congressional agenda for the first 100 days.”
Video of speech: Speech in Denver, August 24:
Text of speech:

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Fight the Power (Meet the Press) re-edit 08 Part 1 Rosa Clemente Green Party VP Candidate Denver DNC Cynthia Mckinney speaks on Georgia vs Russia, Barack Obama, NATO, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Mikhail Saakashvili, Election Fraud, Demo Hip-Hop Rosa Clemente Veep for Green Green Presidential Candidate Cynthia McKinney Appeared  in Iran’s Press TV

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