Ecstasy smuggling earns B.C. man a 13-year prison sentence in U.S.


Barry Artiste

A Drug Smugglers plea to US Authourities of “Gee, I didn’t know I had over 4 million dollars worth of drugs in my truck”, must make the top 10 list of friggin idiot excuses Customs officers on both sides of the border must endure.

This excuse,especially since the Drug Smuggler was a regular Vehicle Exporter, transporting vehicles back and forth our borders to sell to consumers.

I can pretty much guarantee you, this car import export business was a ruse to smuggle drugs, it is just that this time the US Authourities caught him.

My time when I was with CCRA, we heard excuses o plenty from Drug Runners when caught, everything to “This is just a cultural misunderstanding, to Me no speak English, to Hey I was racially profiled!”

One twit came across the border and when asked if he had any weapons, (Guns) he replied No!, Of course ya couldn’t help notice the 357 Magnum Speed Loader (Bullets included) sitting on the top of his dashboard against the driver’s side windshield, was a dead giveaway! 

Rifles are allowed for US hunters coming to Canada, with the proper permits.

Ya pretty much shake your head, tell him take your gun, lock it, tag it, turn around go back to the US and find a place to leave it before you are allowed come across our border okay!

There are actually US homeowners, nearby motels and  businesses which make pretty good coin, storing your gun for you while you visit Canada.

One favourite technique with some small time drug smugglers is to look for elderly in motorhomes parked near the border at local rest stops or restaurants.

Drug smugglers would attach their drugs to the underside of the motorhome, knowing the Elderly are usually flagged through, Cause let’s face it, you never give old people an excuse to engage in conversation, cause they will talk your friggin ear off.

Anyways the Drug Smugglers would follow the motorhome across the border and then pull over the motorhome and say, “Hey I think there is something wrong with your motorhome.

Drug Smugglers would thenl pull out a old car part and say his fell off your motorhome, then they would offer to check it out for the elderly, one would distract the elderly person, while the other removed the package of drugs.

Yeah, scams o plenty, but we would get wiser to stuff like this every time. Including a milk tanker truck with false holds inside etc, Etc, ETC.

Thank Christ for US Customs and the US Justice system, cause Christ knows if Customs Canada would have caught him, guaranteed he have to be turned over to Nancy British Columbia authourities, the Justice in most cases would get him immediate bail, and he would be sitting at home “watching cartoons and eating pop tarts” , hanging out with friends, walking our streets for a year or so till his trial went to court.

And if the Drug smuggler was ever convicted by our British Columbia Justice system, some Bleeding Heart Judge would throw an crying towel to him, and give him double credit for time served at home, probation or a year in jail if we are lucky.

Good for US Customs, my friggin Heroes!

Ecstasy smuggling earns B.C. man a 13-year prison sentence in U.S.

Tim Lai, Vancouver Sun

Published: Saturday, August 30, 2008

A Vancouver man who tried to smuggle $4.5 million worth of ecstasy into the U.S. in a modified gasoline tank has been sentenced to 13 years in prison in what is considered Washington state’s largest ecstasy bust. James Leystra, 42, will also be required to spend three years under supervision after release.

Leystra was sentenced Friday in U.S. District Court in Seattle after he was found guilty in February of conspiracy to import ecstasy, unlawful importation of ecstasy and possession of ecstasy with the intent to distribute.

Leystra was stopped at the Douglas (Peace Arch) crossing in his 1995 Chevrolet Suburban on Nov. 29, 2006.

He was sent to a secondary inspection where an officer noticed some irregularities on the SUV’s gas tank. In order to open a concealed section of the gas tank from under the vehicle, border officials had to move fuses and push certain buttons on the key fob. Inside, they found 70 kilograms of ecstasy.

“Mr. Leystra, in his testimony, claimed that he was unaware of the hidden compartment and the ecstasy in his vehicle despite the fact that he has to stop for gas frequently because his gas tank only held [45 litres],” said Emily Langlie, spokeswoman for the U.S. Attorney’s office.

“A Suburban doesn’t get very far on that amount of gas.” A regular Suburban gas tank normally holds nearly 160 litres.

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Ecstasy smuggling earns B.C. man a 13-year prison sentence in U.S. Ecstasy smuggling earns B.C. man a 13-year prison sentence in U.S. Ecstasy smuggling earns B.C. man a 13-year prison sentence in U.S. Ecstasy smuggling earns B.C. man a 13-year prison sentence in U.S. Ecstasy smuggling earns B.C. man a 13-year prison sentence in U.S. Ecstasy smuggling earns B.C. man a 13-year prison sentence in U.S. Ecstasy smuggling earns B.C. man a 13-year prison sentence in U.S. Ecstasy smuggling earns B.C. man a 13-year prison sentence in U.S. Ecstasy smuggling earns B.C. man a 13-year prison sentence in U.S. Ecstasy smuggling earns B.C. man a 13-year prison sentence in U.S. Ecstasy smuggling earns B.C. man a 13-year prison sentence in U.S.

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