AARP Insists it has not endorsed H.R. 3200, or any health reform bill from the Obama Administration.

aarp_logoThis morning, RedState published an inaccurate piece titled, “AARP Officially Endorses H.R. 3200, the Democrats’ Healthcare Overhaul.” The headline is false and the claims made against AARP within the piece are misleading.
Fact is AARP has not endorsed H.R. 3200, nor any comprehensive health reform bill from the Congress or administration.
AARP’s official position on health reform has been known for many years- the organization simply wants what’s best for its members and all Americans in general. AARP has long been advocating for access to affordable, high-quality health care. That’s one of the reasons over the last two-and-a-half years the organization has been leading Divided We Fail, a diverse coalition of businesses, consumers, and labor groups focused on bringing people together and calling for solutions on health and financial security.
Lastly, AARP has been working with both Democrats and Republicans to pass health reform legislation that would improve the lives of millions of Americans, including AARP members 50 years and older, because health care access and costs have been spiraling out of control.
Please read AARP’s earlier post on combating the multitude of
inaccuracies and myths out there in this critical debate.
via ShAARP Session.

See Video – Obama Falsely Claims AARP Endorsed Health Care Plan

Wild Misrepresentation Watch: Obama lies about AARP endorsement

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  1. AARP Losing Memberships: Seniors and Military Vets Oppose Socialized ObamaCare, Glenn Beck Interviews AARP Rep (video) « Frugal Café Blog Zone
  2. ObamaCare Protests and OKC Bomber Timothy McVeigh: Marine Vet vs. Rep. Baird at Washington Health Care Town Hall (video) « Frugal Café Blog Zone

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