Abortion Enters The Healthcare Debate

The Democrats in Congress and the Obama administration are becoming more frustrated with each day that passes. They can’t seem to even get the broad strokes of healthcare reform to look appealing enough to pass a bill. That’s extremely bad news, given how messy some details will get. The LA Times today notes one such especially ugly detail: abortion.
The LA Times writes:
Some conservative Democrats are threatening to pull their support from the massive healthcare bill unless their concerns over potential federal funding of abortion procedures are met. They fear that the Obama administration will take advantage of an expanded government role in healthcare to increase the availability of abortions nationwide.
Republicans, meanwhile, are trying to use the divisive issue to build opposition to the bill.
In short, the healthcare debate just took on a disastrous new dimension. Lawmakers are beginning to pay attention to detail.
A quick disclaimer to the analysis that follows: it does not, in any way, reflect my views on abortion. I’m just thinking aloud about the questions that lawmakers face regarding this divisive issue and some potential economic responses.
So what would economics dictate about abortion? After all, cost-benefit analysis will need to be implemented throughout an effective government healthcare bill in order to make it financially viable.
Read gthe full article here  Abortion Enters The Healthcare Debate – The Atlantic Business Channel.