Academics fear speaking freely in Canada


Barry Artiste, Now Public Contributor

Land O Friggin Goshen, Political Scientists everywhere are just realising this now?

If ever there was a case for me to post my No Sh*t Sherlock Photo, for the “Obvious Clueless!”

This is certainly one for the record books.   Hello, you’re Political Scientists, have you all been living under a friggin Rock, to realise this now?

First of all, Liberal Wonks are clearly in the majority and for the most part “Run all our Human Rights Tribunals” in Canada.

A Human Rights tribunal is in every Province in this Great Country, so if one wants to sue another over free speech, all one has to do is find which province is favourable in getting the complaintent his Money, Decision, or Media attention. British Columbia, I am looking at YOU!!!!

Recent MacLeans Article had a cultural group in Toronto, take a 4 hour and 3,000 mile away jaunt to favourable lefty British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal.

The British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal seem to be staffed by Full fledged Ex Hippy pot Smoking Days gone by era of Lefty filled Tribunal members, slathering at the liberal bit to represent them.

One can assume perhaps Liberal Toronto, may have had a Conservative or two on the Human Rights Tribunal, and that is no good when you want media attention and a quick decision over Lattes in your favour.

So yes, Academia, you are so totally screwed when one group who do not like the decision a Human Rights Tribunal makes, can take a 4 hour flight into another part of the country to assure a verdict they want, even if it is clearly out of their jurisdiction.

Welcome to Nancy Boy Land.

Below is the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal who dismissed the accusations,

Below is the Cultural Group shopping around for a favourable decision, find British Columbia Lefties more pleasing to their palette

Below is British Columbia’s Human Rights Tribunal, clearly knowing this is out of their jurisdiction and knowing their Ontario Human Rights counterparts, clearly thought nothing wrong with the McLeans article, took up the Mantel of Liberal Human Drivel and considered the case for their review.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Academics fear speaking freely in Canada Political scientists worried about ‘legal jeopardy’

Kevin Libin, National Post

Published: Saturday, August 23, 2008

A group of U. S. professors launched a campaign this week protesting plans by a prominent political science organization to hold its annual conference in Toronto next year, claiming that Canada’s restrictions on certain forms of speech puts controversial academics at risk of being prosecuted.

The American Political Science Association, whose members include both American and Canadian academics, is the oldest and largest organization of political science professors.

Next month’s annual meeting, expected to draw roughly 7,000 political scientists, will be its 104th. The program includes such discussions as Terrorism and Human Rights; Varying Perspectives on Same-Sex Marriage; and Missing Alliances and (Un)expected Transformations in the Politics of Islam.

The Toronto petition states that: “Whereas members of the Association ought to be able at the 2009 annual meeting to present research and argument on controversial topics, such as public policy concerning homosexuality or the character of and proper response to terrorist elements acting in the name of Islam, without fear of legal repercussions of any kind …

Academics fear speaking freely in Canada Pretty much this says it all Academics fear speaking freely in Canada Academics fear speaking freely in Canada Academics fear speaking freely in Canada Academics fear speaking freely in Canada Academics fear speaking freely in Canada

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