Accept Khadr ruling, lawyers’ group urges PM

Barry Artiste Op/Ed

Well it is certainly Unique that Lawyers are insisting our Conservative Government under Prime Minister Stephen Harper “Kowtow” to a Law society, whose Bread and Butter are cases such as these.
Of course it matters not a recent poll conducted in the media asking Canadians if  Khadr should be brought home met with a resounding NO! with 56%, while 15% of Canadians could not care either way, and 29% of Canadians wanted him home.  Funny when Majority rules, Lawyers seem to apply the letter of the law to get their own way, even when the majority of Canadians say NO!

Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s government will tarnish Canada’s global image if it doesn’t accept the latest court ruling ordering Canada to repatriate a Canadian-born terror suspect held in a U.S. military prison, the Canadian Bar Association said Saturday.

Association president Guy Joubert said Omar Khadr is the only

remaining western citizen being held at Guantanamo Bay after the governments of Britain, Germany, France, Belgium and Australia all used diplomatic pressure to successfully push for the return of their jailed nationals.

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