ACORN complains that Right Wing Extremists are carrying Weapons to Town halls

ACORN is sending out the following message to it’s Members

Right-wing extremists are attacking ACORN again. Last time, they tried to get to Barack Obama by spreading lies about ACORN. Now, they’re using the same cowardly strategy and scare tactics to stop health care reform.

Worst of all, it’s starting to work — and it’s turning ugly fast. Congressional townhall meetings have erupted into shouting matches thanks to right-wing disrupters. Some have even turned violent. At least one opponent of health care reform posted a message on the popular website Twitter urging the public to use firearms if they encounter ACORN members at a community health care discussion. He wrote, “If ACORN/SEIU attends these meetings for disruptive purposes, and you have a license to carry….carry.” Note- The tweet was put out by @scottEO.  His account no longer exists but he did make these statements about ACORN but he is NOT a RepublicanOne Twitter makes inappropriate comments and it is a Conspiracy against ACORN?

So it’s no wonder that opponents are actively spreading lies through email and talk radio in an effort to juice up the angry mobs and derail reform. We need you to contact your Congressperson and Senators and tell them: 1) we won’t be intimidated by the scare tactics of an angry, shrill minority and 2) we need adequate health care reform now!

We are ACORN, and you know these kinds of lies and attacks don’t stop us. It just makes us work harder. And we’ve been fighting for health care reform with everything we’ve got for over a year now. In 15 states, ACORN members have been mobilizing thousands of community residents, getting dozens of congressional leaders to sign on in support of basic principles for health care reform.

But we’re up against the combined power of the insurance lobby, the drug makers lobby, and the for-profit hospitals, among others. And these guys are fighting dirty, doing everything they can to intimidate Congress and stop reform.

The threats of violence show how opponents of change will stop at little to keep the status quo. That’s why we need you to tell Congress not to be intimidated by the lies and threats and stand up for adequate health coverage for all Americans.

The truth is that we are on the brink of historic reform of America’s inadequate health care system. The next few weeks will determine whether the people or the corporations win this fight. We need to make sure that Congress hears from real grassroots people, not corporate-funded Astroturf, so we can win adequate health care for all Americans. Can you tell Congress to stand up to the lies and intimidation and support common-sense health care reform?

We need you to take action today!

In solidarity and strength,

Bertha Lewis

ACORN CEO and Chief Organizer

via It’s turning ugly – ACORN.

Typical diversion attempt. ACORN and SEIU who have been  disruptive at Town Halls. Photo and Video Journalists media of   Red and Blue Shirts from ACORN and SEIU blocking people from getting into meetings, ruffing some people up, and passing out  political literature in support of Democrats.  both are supposed to be NON-Partisan.

Should someone carry a weapon to a town hall meeting?  We think not, in fact many states have laws that prohibit carry weapons to political rallies.  The shouting needs to stop on both sides.  Political discourse should be courteous.  This is America, the 1st Amendment states that folks have free speech and the ability to protest, but one portion is often neglected.  That is to Peaceably assemble.