Africentric School Draws in Less Than 15 Students

Barry Artiste Op/Ed

Canada’s first foray into the Educational realm of Multicultural Diversity in setting up Africentric schools has turned into a dismal failure with less than 15 students enrolled. Africentre School officials non plussed by this obvious politically uncorrect showing, say Damn the Torpedos, we are going full steam ahead, we just need 25 more students to enrol and we are going to open this school next year.

Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty has pulled public funding and will not use taxpayers money to support a failed social project, where in my opinion, this whole Politically Correct Liberal Feel Good Multicultural Diversity Experiment has always been a craw in my opinion, because after all no is more special than anyone else, we are all pretty much equal, or at least that  is how a society should be. If one culture has an image problem, it is up to that culture to fix it, and not at the taxpayers expense, not by the Liberal Do Gooders who feel they and they alone know what is best.

On another note, US Sleaze Shows such as Maury, foster this racial divide featuring such condescending features of Who’s my Daddy and other such tripe.  Funny how this Multicultural Diversity issue on one hand states, you are special, let’s celebrate our Diversity, yet when it comes to the mentally disabled, this same group of Latte Drinkers state strongly that the mentally or physically disabled are to be treated as equals as they are no different than you or I. Really? How Hypocritical of them, don’t you think?  As I have always stated, when in Rome…….you are Roman and nothing else that separates you from the rest of the herd. Got it! Good, let’s keep it that way shall we?

You assimilate into society, or get the hell outta dodge!

Africentric school draws in less than 15 students

Updated: Thu Dec. 18 2008 9:10:16 AM

Less than 15 people have signed up for Toronto’s first Africentric school, according to the school board chair.

The Toronto District School Board has held three enrolment sessions, all of which were well advertised, said John Campbell. The sessions were meant for parents who had questions about the school and who wanted the opportunity to sign up their children for the specialized education.

The idea of an Africentric school came out of a report tabled in January 2008. The report suggested that a school curriculum focusing on black culture be implemented in three schools in the city’s north-west end.


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