Algeria bus bombing deliberately targeted Canada, al-Qaida says


Barry Artiste, Now Public Contributor

al-Qaida certainly won’t be winning friends when it bombs its own countrymen trying to make a difference for it’s own people, whether it be drilling and or ensuring clean water, building schools, or even hospitals for it’s Muslim people.

Killing of innocents, will eventually mean al-Qaida’s destruction one way or another, either by our hand, or preferably at the hands of fellow Muslims.

(Photo Inset) People gather near the remains of a passenger bus in Bouira after it was targetted in a bomb attack. AFP/Getty Images

Algeria bus bombing deliberately targeted Canada, al-Qaida says

Stewart Bell and Matthew Coutts Canwest News Service

Friday, August 22, 2008

TORONTO – Al-Qaida deliberately targeted Canadians when it bombed a bus full of SNC-Lavalin employees this week, leaving 12 dead and 15 wounded, its Algerian branch said Friday.

In a claim of responsibility, al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb said it had planned the attack for three months and identified the suicide bomber as Abdul Rahman Abu Zeinab al-Mauritani.

The statement said the attackers “made sure that passengers on the protected bus were Canadian citizens. Therefore, they targeted the bus, and it is not, as the apostates claim, that we are targeting our brothers, Muslim workers.” It goes on to say that the “number of Canadian people (killed or wounded) is still unknown” and tells Muslims “we are choosing our targets carefully and we are always careful with your blood.

We do not target the innocent.” Early Wednesday, an explosives-laden vehicle rammed a bus carrying employees of Montreal-based SNC-Lavalin to their jobs at a water treatment plant, 90 kilometres southeast of the Algerian capital, Algiers.

Algeria bus bombing deliberately targeted Canada, al-Qaida says Osama's New Call to Arms

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