American Tea Party Anthem by Lloyd Marcus

American Tea Party Anthem- Lloyd Marcus has written an anthem for the Tea Party. This came via Michelle Malkin
This song is the National Rallying Cry of the movement against president Obama’s outrageous government over reaching stimulus package .  This video has the words so everyone can sing along at your cities Tea party.
for More information and tea Party dates for your State see

Media Contacts

Press – Julie Johnson
E-mail Julie
Cell: 847.691.9278
DGM – Eric Odom
E-mail Eric
Cell: 312.282.9310
TCOT – Michael Leahy
E-mail Michael
SGP – Stacy Mott
E-mail Stacy

Hosting a Tea Party?

Events – Amy Kremer
E-mail Amy
See me on Twitter at
I will be live blogging and covering the Columbia, SC Tea Party Event and the Fair tax Event on April 15 2009.  Hope to meet you all there

Liveblogging the Lexington KY Tea Party; Ridgefield CT Tea Party protesters say “DUMP DODD;” 3k in Orlando; Raleigh NC represents

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  1. POLITISITE: Politics from the RIGHT Side of the WEB « POLITISITE: Politics from the RIGHT Side of the WEB
  2. POLITISITE: Politics from the RIGHT Side of the WEB « Iron Mill News Service
  3. Artist composes Rally Song for the American Tea Party Movement « POLITISITE: Politics from the RIGHT Side of the WEB
  4. Artist composes Rally Song for the American Tea Party Movement « Iron Mill News Service
  5. Hot News » Lloyd Marcus
  6. lloyd marcus

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