Amnesty: Rape girl, 13, killed for adultery: Somalia Islamic Militia

Barry Artiste Op/Ed

When I say, as I have previously stated in my past stories. Islam, in fact most major religions are in place to solidify that it has always been a Man’s World, no ifs, ands, or buts, Get used to it Ladies.

It just seems in a modern society Islamic Zealots have taken it to the nth degree. One can be sure moderate followers of Islam would like nothing better than for this to go away.  It  feels like they are weeding out the non Islamic or not as Zealous Herd!

As these undated photos attest, certainly a country which needs a collective Bitch Slap.

The Somali people are starving and dying, aid rarely reaches them, either the corrupt Government  (We support with Aid) steals it or the Islamic militants and other so called Freedom Fighters steal it for themselves.

Is it any wonder the World feel no empathy to a country in which it’s own citizens clearly will not stand up to stop ever changing regimes and off shoot militias, preferring Western Armies to lay down their lives on their behalf?  Par for the course if you ask me!

It is clear Islamists in Somalia have only one goal and it isn’t peace or helping the citizenry. What many may ask themselves, if indeed Islam is one of the worlds largest Ideologies, why are these zealots who preach death and destruction are allowed to do so?

Why are these Zealot Clerics not found by fellow Muslims, stripped of their vestments and status, jailed or put to the sword? Lead me to believe either they do not care, or perhaps like  wheat in the windy field, the undecided will join whoever is the victor in all this ongoing horrendous situation, hence being part of the Worldwide problem instead of a Global Solution! 

Why is it always Westerners who must help and intervene, why not YOU!  It is your people and culture, your ideology!  

Riding on our Safe and Secure coattails of Democracy is not the answer if you refuse to be part of it!

If you are a billion strong, then perhaps you should be pulling your weight on the international stage and stop this!

It seems every time we read a media report on Islam, it’s not good, leaving many to believe, perhaps this is not an exception to the rule anymore, as time and time again stories like this keep hitting the presses.  Currently in the World today the majority of countries under Islam seem to be engaged either in War or Crisis and have been for decades.  Do you see where I am going with this?  Hello! What does this tell you!  Islam ain’t seem to be working! And Britain is introducing Islamic Law into it’s Court system? Holy Hitler! WTF are they thinking?

Time for Muslims to act and stop those who misinterpret Islam. Muslims know who these Clerics are, as Mosques where they preach are pretty easy to spot in any town or city.

Bottom line, if you know where they are stop them!

If a group in Canada were doing this to people like in Somalia, you can bet your life, Canada would stop it in it’s tracks and hunt the offenders down Pronto!.

Again, I direct you to the recent introduction of Sharia Law being integrated in British Courts. Eventually it is only a matter of time, perhaps in a decade or so before a British Male Judge misinterprets in favour of man and thus begins the downward slant into oblivion of women’s rights, gay rights, etc.

Will someone stand up and stop it? I fear by then it will be too late! Cause it ain’t stopping in other countries it seems.

But then religious leaders of all faiths it seems, have fond memories when “Religion was King versus centuries ago when King was Religion”! and today it seems a reversal of fortune for some religious leaders of Islam.

November 1, 2008 — Updated 1539 GMT (2339 HKT)

Amnesty: Rape girl, 13, killed for adultery

MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) — A 13-year-old girl who said she had been raped was stoned to death in Somalia after being accused of adultery by Islamic militants, a human rights group said.

Dozens of men stoned Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow to death Oct. 27 in a stadium packed with 1,000 spectators in the southern port city of Kismayo, Amnesty International and Somali media reported, citing witnesses.

The Islamic militia in charge of Kismayo had accused her of adultery after she reported that three men had raped her, the rights group said.

Initial local media reports said Duhulow was 23, but her father told Amnesty International she was 13. Some of the Somali journalists who first reported the killing later told Amnesty International that they had reported she was 23 based upon her physical appearance.

Calls to Somali government officials and the local administration in Kismayo rang unanswered Saturday. “This child suffered a horrendous death at the behest of the armed opposition groups who currently control Kismayo,” David Copeman, Amnesty International’s Somalia campaigner, said in a statement Friday.

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Amnesty: Rape girl, 13, killed for adultery: Somalia Islamic Militia Amnesty: Rape girl, 13, killed for adultery: Somalia Islamic Militia Amnesty: Rape girl, 13, killed for adultery: Somalia Islamic Militia Amnesty: Rape girl, 13, killed for adultery: Somalia Islamic Militia Amnesty: Rape girl, 13, killed for adultery: Somalia Islamic Militia Amnesty: Rape girl, 13, killed for adultery: Somalia Islamic Militia

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