Anatomy of the DNC Convention, Here is DNC 101

The 2008 National Convention will be called to order on Monday, August 25, 2008 at an exact time to be announced. The Convention will conduct its business over a four-day period, and the Convention will adjourn on Thursday, August 28, 2008 at the conclusion of the acceptance speech by the Party’s presidential nominee.

A typical day in the life of a delegate or alternate begins with a state delegation breakfast meeting

A typical day in the life of a delegate or alternate begins with a state delegation breakfast meeting. At this meeting, delegates will hear from their state’s prominent Democratic leaders, as well as from special guests including national political figures and campaign surrogates. Delegates and alternates will also receive their credentials for that day’s Convention proceedings at breakfast.

At past Conventions, following their breakfast sessions, delegates attended caucus meetings and/or training sessions.

The Convention proceedings usually begin in mid-to-late afternoon each day, though no official schedule has been set thus far for Denver.

The first item of formal business for the Convention to act on is the report of the Credentials Committee.

DNC Chairman Governor Howard Dean acts as the Temporary Chair of the 2008 Convention and will call the Convention to order on Monday. The first item of formal business for the Convention to act on is the report of the Credentials Committee, which will resolve all questions concerning the seating of delegates. The second item of business is the report of the Rules Committee. Among its many responsibilities, the Rules Committee will recommend the permanent Convention officers. At past Conventions, the keynote address has typically been on Monday evenings.

The Tuesday of the Convention has generally featured debate and discussion of the Party’s proposed National Platform.

In the past, the Wednesday of the Convention kicked off the Party’s formal presidential nominating process with nominating and seconding speeches for presidential candidates being given. The alphabetical roll call of states and territories by the Convention Secretary is a memorable feature of past Wednesday nights. Sometimes the Party’s presumptive vice presidential candidate will also speak on Wednesday.

The final day of the Convention – Thursday – features the nomination of the vice presidential candidate. The Convention concludes with the acceptance speech of the Party’s presidential nominee.

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