Appeal court overturns drug, gun convictions over police mistakes

Barry Artiste Op/Ed

Two time convicted Drug Supplier gets his conviction overturned over semantics by a Moronic Judge who despite this guy was convicted of the exact same offence finds this Drug Supplier Innocent, because Police mistakenly tresspassed.  Certainly shows what is wrong with our Crime and Punishment Laws when a minute discrepancy throws out evidence, regardless of the mountain of evidence against this guy! One wonder if Immigration Canada can pay a visit on his past record and show him the errors of his ways as they send him packing back to Asia!

VANCOUVER – A man convicted of cultivating marijuana and possessing a .357 revolver and stun gun has had his convictions overturned on appeal.

Three judges of the B.C. Court of Appeal allowed the appeal of Michael Donald Ling, finding police made serious mistakes while executing a search warrant and gathering evidence.

“In my view, in this case, to admit the evidence gathered pursuant to this warrant would bring the administration of justice into disrepute in the minds of right-thinking citizens. I would exclude the evidence and in the circumstances enter an acquittal on the counts before the court,” Justice Robert Bauman ruled in a judgment released Thursday, with Justices Ian Donald and Carol Huddart in agreement.

Ling, 48, who lived at Christina Lake, was convicted in Grand Forks Provincial Court of cultivating marijuana, possession for the purpose of trafficking, unlawfully possessing a .357 revolver, which is a restricted weapon, and possessing a prohibited weapon, a stun gun.

He was also convicted of improperly storing a 12-gauge shotgun and ammunition found at Ling’s residence.

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