Asian nations won’t support Russia: Iran the Good Guys in all this!


Barry Artiste

Asian Nations refusal to support Russia and their ongoing spat with Georgia makes one wonder, why China supports Mugabe? But then China and the Tibet problem is pretty much a mirror image of what Russia is doing.

Guess when money and resources talk ( Georgia ain’t the most lucrative in these to China ) support walks, especially when Russia is at your backdoor.  The meeting was also attended by Iran’s President, with back slapping and hand shakes all around. 

For us in the West, out of all attendees, and here is a Gobsmacker for ya, the only peace loving good guy in all this is Iran’s President, a president of Iran. Now ain’t that a slap upside the Western Testes?

Iran a country since it’s entire existence of thousands of years has never once invaded any country ever. 

Though Iran today, blusters at the US and Israel and at everyone else on earth, Iran has been invaded by just about everyone in the middle east for thousands of year. Why? Why did Iran allow this?

Well first of all Iranians pretty much like Ireland (Viking Invaders) allowed Middle East invaders for the most part, subtly got their Invaders to assimilate into Iranian culture in a what seems to be a mutual admiration society, in turn accepted Islam from their invading neighbours the Saudi’s.

Besides if Iran ever put up a fight, or invaded another country, where the hell we’re Iranians to flee to? They are surrounded by Friggin Desert! 

So perhaps better to make nice, nice with invaders than live in a cave, and leave their homeland.

As for Iran and wanting Nuclear power for their utilities, I am inclined to believe it, again, Hello! They are surrounded by desert, no hydro dams in sight, best to make your own power for your people.

As for threats of invading Israel with nuclear missiles, well like I said, if Iran loses, the mountains caves would be their new home, and I think they prefer their own western style homes with all the accouterments, Caves just don’t offer.

Boy ain’t that a Kick in the Pants to those in the West  who believe Iran is a big Invader, when the only thing they have ever invaded is perhaps a local Teahouse or Hookah bar after a soccer match.

(Photo Inset) Russia’s President Dmitry Medvedev (R) shakes hands with his Iranian counterpart Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (2nd L) as Presidents Nursultan Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan (L) and China’s President Hu Jintao look on at the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit in Dushanbe August 28, 2008. [Agencies]

August 28, 2008

Asian nations won’t support Russia

By Olga Tutubalina And And And Peter Leonard, THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

DUSHANBE, Tajikistan – China and several Central Asian nations rebuffed Russia’s hopes of international support for its actions in Georgia, issuing a statement Thursday denouncing the use of force and calling for the respect of every country’s territorial integrity.

A joint declaration from the six-member Shanghai Co-operation Organization also offered some support for Russia’s “active role in promoting peace” following a ceasefire, but overall it appeared to increase Moscow’s international isolation.

Russia’s search for support in Asia had raised fears that the alliance would turn the furor over Georgia into a broader confrontation between East and West, pitting the U.S. and Europe against their two main Cold War foes.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev had appealed to the Asian alliance, which is made up of China, Russia and four ex-Soviet Central Asian nations, for unanimous support of Moscow’s response to Georgia’s “aggression.”

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Asian nations won't support Russia: Iran the Good Guys in all this!

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