Austrian Man Raped Daughter Repeatedly, Fathered 6 Children Incest

Austrian man held Daughter Hostage, Raped Daughter, fathered 6 children through Incest

An incredible story of a missing woman,  found over The weekend, was held hostage, repeatedly Raped by her Father.  She gave birth to 6 children.  She must now work through all that has happened to her since 1984

VIENNA, Austria (AP) — A woman who went missing in 1984 was found by police over the weekend and told investigators that she had been held by her father in a cellar, where she was repeatedly raped and gave birth to at least six children, police said Sunday.

Authorities said that the father may have told acquaintances and relatives that his daughter had joined a cult and disappeared.

Franz Polzer, head of the Lower Austrian Bureau of Criminal Affairs, told reporters that the father, identified as Josef F., had been taken into custody. Police said Josef and his wife had been raising three of their daughter’s children. The other three grew up in the cellar.

“We are being confronted with an unfathomable crime,” Interior Minister Guenther Platter said.

The case unfolded after a gravely ill teenager was taken around April 19 to a hospital in the town of Amstetten, where she was found unconscious in the building where her grandparents live, police said. Told that the sick 19-year-old’s mother was missing, authorities publicly appealed for her to come forward.

Officers received a tip and picked up the mother near the hospital on Saturday, police said.

The mother, whom authorities identified as Elisabeth F., told officers that she had just been released after two decades of captivity at the hands of her father. She said that on Aug. 28, 1984 her father had sedated her, handcuffed her and locked her in a room in the cellar of the family’s apartment building.

In an interview with AP Television News, Polzer said that Josef F. had given police a code to unlock a hidden door, revealing the area where Elisabeth and the children had been held.

It had “several” rooms, an uneven floor and a “very narrow” hallway, Polzer said, adding that the door was “very small,” and that one had to bend one’s head to get through.

“Everything is very, very narrow and the victim herself … told us that this was being continually enlarged over the years,” Polzer said.

Politisite Note:  If you have been effected by this article due to an incident in your life.  Here is some information about online help. RAINN Helping Victims of Sexual Assault Online

April 14, 2008 – (Washington, DC) – RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network), the nation’s largest anti-sexual assault organization today launched a new service to provide support to victims online. Since 1994 RAINN has provided help to over 1.2 million people through the National Sexual Assault Hotline (800.656.HOPE). Help is now also available through the National Sexual Assault Online Hotline at

Every 2 minutes another American is sexually assaulted. Almost half of these victims are under 18, and 80% are under 30. According to Scott Berkowitz, president & founder of RAINN, “The National Sexual Assault Online Hotline provides the services these young victims need, using the technology they embrace. The Online Hotline provides a safe way to begin recovery by using extensive security measures to guarantee that the visitor remains completely anonymous.”

“The Online Hotline offers a lifeline to victims trapped in a situation where the Internet may be their only safe and secure link to the outside world and to getting help.
— Christina Ricci, RAINN’s National Spokesperson”

The secure web-based hotline provides a safe, secure an anonymous place for victims to get help online. Using an instant-messaging style format, the National Sexual Assault Online Hotline allows sexual assault victims to communicate directly with trained crisis support volunteers.

Politisite Note: Incest and other sexual trauma can be a contributing factor to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or Dissaciative Identity Disorder formally called Multiple Personality Disorder.  Here is some Infomration on Mental Health issues that arise as a result of Incest and Rape

Dissociative Identity Disorder / Multiple Personality Disorder Many survivors of child abuse and incest have developed Dissociative Identity Disorder or Multiple Personality Disorder, as a reaction to severe trauma in early childhood. The survivor develops a temporary mental escape from the traumatic event. It is considered a highly creative survival technique that needs to be understood by families, friends, partners, and professionals

Austrian Man Raped Daughter Repeatedly, Fathered 6 Children Incest Austrian man raped daughter, fathered 6 children

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