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December 23, 2009 Iron Mill Interactive Media 0

FORT WORTH, Texas, Dec. 22 /PRNewswire/ — On Tuesday, December 22, 2009, American Airlines Flight 331, a Boeing 737-800 aircraft, overran the runway on landing at Kingston, Jamaica’s Norman Manley International Airport. The flight originated out of Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, operated into Miami International Airport, and then operated into Kingston’s Norman Manley International Airport.

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Founder of Big Government to launch journalism site

December 11, 2009 Iron Mill Interactive Media 0

The site – to be called Big Journalism – builds on the “Big” brand Breitbart launched in September with Big Hollywood and Big Government. Both sites have made waves with stories exposing past controversial remarks by Obama administration officials and by featuring a series of videos of ACORN officials inappropriately offering advice to two conservative activists dressed up as a pimp and prostitute. He also helps edit the Drudge Report and runs the news aggregator Breitbart made the announcement in an interview with Mediate, telling the website covering media-related news that Big Journalism will be “the go-to site for solidly backed-up stories, sharp points of view, and really great writing.” Breitbart has selected former Time Magazine staffer Michael Walsh to run the site, which he said will “fight the mainstream media – New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times, CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, and CNN — who have repeatedly, and under the guise of objectivity and political neutrality, promoted a blatantly left-of-center, pro-Democratic party agenda.”

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Congressional Budget Office cost estimates of GOP Healthcare Plan

November 5, 2009 Iron Mill Interactive Media 0

This evening, CBO released a preliminary analysis of a substitute amendment to H.R. 3962, the Affordable Health Care for America Act, proposed by Representative John Boehner, the Republican Leader in the House of Representatives. CBO and the staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) estimate that the amendment would reduce federal deficits by $68 billion over the 2010-2019 period; it would also slightly reduce federal budget deficits in the following decade, relative to those projected under current law, with a total effect during that decade that is in a broad range between zero and one-quarter percent of gross domestic product.

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RINO goes Bye-Bye in NY-23 but not without a coming out party

November 3, 2009 Iron Mill Interactive Media 0

New York’s 23rd Congressional District has become the site of a showdown between RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) and conservatives. The conservatives are winning — but the RINOs are not being gracious in defeat. Now the RINOs are showing how much party unity means to them. They have no loyalty to conservatives, so why should conservatives have any loyalty to them?