Articles by Iron Mill Interactive Media
Monkeys getting High on Stimulus money
When President Obama said, “what do you think a stimulus bill is?” I did not think it was to buy cocaine and get Monkeys high. I know there is monkey business in Washington but again, not this kind. I am a bit miffed that Monkeys are getting high on my dime. But that is what a stimulus bill is, a spending bill, for drugs and monkeys. So how many jobs? Well only 1 but not even a new job, an existing job … are those people HIGH?
Massa says sexual harrassement charge lodged because of 'NO' vote on Healthcare
Congressman Massa has scheduled a Press Conference for 5 p.m. Monday to possibly withdraw his resignation from Congress. He related to sources that his ‘NO’ vote on Healthcare may be the reason sexual harassment charges have been lodged against him. He told a reporter that some in Congress will stop at nothing to get healthcare passed and this may be one of the tactics being used to get rid of Democrats who are against the Presidents Health care reform initiative.
White House openness accountability? When will Obama have a press conferance?
The White House today held a closed-press bill signing, which means no reporters or photographers were present, then released their own version of the event […]
DeMint: RNC memo juvenile and insulting to millions of Voters
On the RNC fundraising memo found recently in Boca Grande, about raising money by fanning fears about Obama and creeping Socialism:”I saw that. … I […]
Congressman Massa Resignation Statement
Two days ago as I sat reading my new annual CAT scan, having been told that the anomalies in the films may or may not […]
CBO says Obama Underestimated Deficit by 1.2 Trillion
President Barack Obama’s budget proposal would create bigger deficits than advertised every year of the next decade, with the shortfalls totaling $1.2 trillion more than […]
MSNBC Dylan Ratigan Attacks Teaparty Express Guest
And MSNBC calls Fox News biased? Where is the apology for this nutjob complaining about Nutjobs at teaparties. Dylan Ratigan Shouts down a Tea Party […]