B.C. MLA denied boarding because of breast pump

Barry Artiste Op/Ed
Ya know many are upset by the ludicrious rules airport security enforce, but then that is the society we live in.

A society of kid glove treatment given to world terrorists and criminals alike, forcing us to be on guard at all times with preventative measures, instead of proactive harsh deterrents such as serious jail time for those who wish to do us harm.  

Can anyone remember such nutjob security measures a decade ago? Of course not!  But then we never had planes crashing into buildings by religious whackos with boxcutters either.

The Liberalized West cannot be tiptoeing around terrorist countries or organizations in our own countries. We got to be takin names and takin out terrorists with extreme prejudice here and abroad.   George Orwells prediction is all too true, but that is a society we made it to be by letting terrorist organizations and terrorist fundraising operations along with violent protests to go on unscathed in our countries. Look at Europe for example, is this what we want our country to become, rioting in the streets, fires, religious strife in countries not of our own.  If we are not careful we will be walking the same path as France, Italy and others who allowed this to go on far too long.

Society is always quick to protest human rights, until it affects them or their families personally, our criminal courts are full of victims who say criminal rights always seem to trump victims rights. To that I say in most cases, it is socities fault, you voted for it, not me.

B.C. MLA denied boarding because of breast pump

Updated: Wed Jan. 14 2009 19:49:14

Darcy Wintonyk, ctvbc.ca

A high profile member of B.C.’s opposition party was denied boarding at Vancouver’s airport because her breast pump was deemed a security threat.

Vancouver-Mount Pleasant NDP MLA Jenny Kwan was trying to fly to Kamloops for a caucus meeting Tuesday morning, but security would not let her board when they found a breast milk pump and ice packs in her carry-on luggage.

Source: ctvbc.ctv.ca

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