B.C. to lose more than 42,000 jobs in ’09: forecast

Barry Artiste Op Ed

But….but…wait a second, Vangroovy Politicans and the Premier previously stated the 2010 Olympics would be a job generator, with big paying jobs, business ops and trade for everybody. Why it seemed according to our Politicians that everyone would be living the Canadian Dream , driving solid gold Ferraris, housing for all, Why, we are the Bestest Place in the World according to them.  I wonder what went Mcwrong, seems even McJobs are getting hard to find in McWonderland BC.

British Columbia’s job market will shrink almost two per cent in 2009 as the province sinks into recession, then contract a further 0.3 per cent in 2010, economist Helmut Pastrick said Thursday.

That will mean a net 42,500 jobs lost this year and another 6,500 jobs lost in 2010 before employment recovers to 2008 levels in 2011, Pastrick told the Vancouver Board of Trade’s annual economic outlook conference.

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