BC teen Shoots and Kills Home Invader: East Vancouver


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Barry Artiste Op/Ed

A BC teen with a gun to his head by 2 assailants who mistook the home for someone else, had the tables turned on them, after the criminal shot the teens brother, the frightened teen wrestled the gun away from one of the Home invaders and shot him dead, as the other criminal escaped.

Tragic as it is that this Teen had to take a life, it shows when faced with death, adrenaline and survival takes over.

Bottom line the Teen is a Hero, saving his Brothers life, by snuffing out a criminal otherwise who would serve little time in jail or get out on bail and saving BC Taxpayers the grief of a long and useless trial. 

One man dead, teen wounded in east Vancouver home invasionKim Bolan, Vancouver SunPublished: Tuesday, February 17, 2009

VANCOUVER – A man was shot dead and a teenager wounded by gunfire during an early-afternoon home invasion Tuesday at a Fraser Street house.

The body of the dead man lay on Fraser Street where paramedics had tried to save him just after 2 p.m. while 19-year-old Aleem Mohammed was taken to hospital with bullet wounds to his lip and torso.

Vancouver police Const. Lindsey Houghton said police received a 911 hang-up call at 2:15 p.m. from a house in the 6900 block of Fraser.

Source: globaltv.com

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