BC’s Olympic 2010: Terror, Mentally Ill Threaten Games

Barry Artiste Op/Ed Well DUH! As I warned time and time again in my stories on Now Public, British Columbia touted by a National magazine as a World Crime Superpower, this is a no brainer, in a province where police are handcuffed at every turn by incompetent courts and justice system, as well as considering it’s complacent citizens feel safe,comfy and cozy while the underworld envelops around them.

Crime we have now is a Fantasy World compared to after the 2010 Olympics when visiting Criminal Organizations to British Columbia see an eternal Gold Mine of lawlessness in this province and decide to make British Columbia, Home Base Central, due in a Big Part by incompetent provincial courts, judges and justice system along with “Nancy laws” meted out by the Judges to criminals with no end in sight. 

One certainly didn’t need bother to apply to access of freedom of information to get that little Jewel of Obvious Information that every British Columbian knows already!



Wed, November 5, 2008

Terror, mentally ill threaten Games


Canada is facing the threat of terrorist attacks, disruption from mentally disturbed people and corruption from organized criminals as it plays host to the 2010 Olympic Games.

Documents obtained by Sun Media through Access to Information show officials are also bracing for potential cost overruns, public health disasters and protests during the international sporting event in Vancouver-Whistler.

One May 2007 RCMP threat assessment report warns that a thwarted terrorist plot to attack sites in Canada last year serves as a reminder that “not only must we monitor international terrorist plots directed toward the Olympics, but as well, those originating within Canada.” The perception that Canada has shifted away from being a peacekeeping nation with a combat role in Afghanistan might increase the risk of becoming a target, the report suggests.

But the documents, heavily censored and stamped “secret,” suggest the most likely and immediate risk to Canada lies in financial security, with corruption the “inevitable byproduct” of vast sums of money and multi-million dollar profits associated with the Games.

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BC's Olympic 2010: Terror, Mentally Ill Threaten Games BC's Olympic 2010: Terror, Mentally Ill Threaten Games BC's Olympic 2010: Terror, Mentally Ill Threaten Games BC's Olympic 2010: Terror, Mentally Ill Threaten Games BC's Olympic 2010: Terror, Mentally Ill Threaten Games BC's Olympic 2010: Terror, Mentally Ill Threaten Games

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