Black pro-lifers to protest at DNC due to Planned Parenthood Targeting Blacks

Black pro-lifers to protest at DNC

Why would Black Pro-Lifers protest the Democratic National Convention? While 90% of Black Americans vote democratic there is one issue that has effected the Black population since 1974 Row v. Wade descison. Planned Parenthood with an anti-Black history beginning with Margaret Higgins Sanger.

Sanger was an American birth control activist, an advocate of negative eugenics, and the founder of the American Birth Control League (which eventually became Planned Parenthood). Sanger was a progressive force ahead of her time. However, her racist ideology and advocacy for eugenics are positions which have not survived her. (Source:

Planned  Parenthood provides a large percentage of these abortions.  Albert Milliron of said in 2007, “if Planned Parenthood were not strategically placed in African-American communities, Hispanics would not be the second largest minority group in America.  African-American’s Political power has been diminished largely by organizations like Planned Parenthood” 

Yes he said it!  I was there.

Presidential candidate, Dr. Keyes, relates his revulsion about Abortion:

“The number one taker of black life is abortion, and it’s time people woke up to that fact. The location of this latest Planned Parenthood facility in yet another minority neighborhood is a part of the continuing fulfillment of the racist, eugenicist dream of their founder, Margaret Sanger, but it is a travesty of the American dream. Planned Parenthood’s agenda discards the principle that we are all created equal, which is the basis of liberty for all Americans.” – Alan Keyes

Colorado Right to Life and American Right to Life will stand with black leaders from around the country at their Power in the Park rally and press conference on August 25, 2008, 8:30 am at Martin Luther King Park, one block from the largest Planned Parenthood abortuary in the nation.

The killing center, dubbed Auschwitz, by local opponents of the racist organization, is situated in north Denver’s minority neighborhood – consistent with the patterns of targeting minorities noted by

Speakers include presidential candidate Dr. Alan Keyes with America’s Independent Party, Jessie Lee Peterson, president of BOND, Rev Clenard Childress of, Flip Benham of Operation Rescue National, and Denver’s Bishop Phillip Porter, former chairman of Promise Keepers, who will expose the tragedy that although black women comprise 6% of the population, they receive nearly 40% of the abortions in America. The leading abortion providers exploit blacks by placing 94% of abortuaries in urban neighborhoods with high black populations.

Black leaders, including Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King have recently been asking why black Americans are being targeted by Planned Parenthood for abortions and demanding that the killing stop.

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