Blaming ‘the Israel Lobby’

Barry Artiste Op/Ed

Well we all know the story, “Money Talks and Bullsh*t Walks”. Certainly Obama is having quite the problem in Human Resources staffing trying to find impartial or competent honest staff.

Until quite recently only a few Americans, those with a special interest in Middle East politics, were aware of the existence of Charles W. (“Chas”) Freeman Jr., the former U. S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia. But this week he popped up on the front pages of major newspapers as the latest of Baracka Obama’s failed appointees, his candidacy typically brief.

On Feb. 19, someone anonymously revealed that Freeman was to chair the National Intelligence Council, which coordinates reports from espionage agencies. Immediately, he became a subject of furious controversy among bloggers. Their views reached politicians, who began expressing doubts about him. The White House decided not to spend political capital defending him, so this week he withdrew his name. Then he issued a bitter denunciation of “the Israel lobby” for libelling him.

He’s now only a footnote in Washington political history but the Freeman incident raises interesting issues.

It casts more doubt on the Obama White House’s hiring practices and reveals that Israel has some notable enemies within the U. S. government. As a drama performed mainly in the blogosphere, it demonstrates blogging’s influence on national politics. And in displaying Freeman’s connections, it reminds us never to underestimate Arab influence in Washington.

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