Boys allegedly raped girl, 8

Barry Artiste Op/Ed
A tragic story in the USA, with even a more horrific ending, when police returning a 8 year old girl to her family, is told by the father that he does not want his 8 year daughter back after she was repeatedly raped. The fathers logic is it was all the Daughters fault.   The fathers exact words were  ‘Take her, I don’t want her,”’.  Again I ask Now Public Readers, MULTICULTURALISM DOESN’T WORK!  THough iot may work in civilised societies, it certainly aint ever going to work in Backwoods Countries where the practice of Male Domain over women and children is paramount to their society. 

Again, I say, our Immigration Departments are failing miserably when it comes to fully explaining to Refugees that we do not condone Cultural Customs from other countries where the Female species, just because they have the XX Chromosones have every right as a male does.  It is unfathomable that a Man from Liberia, whose customs dictate what is right and wrong, life and death is the sole propriety of the male species.  How can anyone look his raped 8 year old daughter in the eye and say I do not want you, it was all your fault you were raped. Get out of our house and lives.  If I were the Police officer hearing this, I would be tasering this F^c*er all day long, and take his daughter to raise as my own.  Meanwhile as the father evacuates his bowels from repeated Tasering, in a perfect world one would hope an Immigration official would be buying a economy class air fare for this asshole to deport him back to the Dark Continent where his kind should rot in hell.

Boys allegedly raped girl, 8

Last Updated: 24th July 2009, 10:39am

PHOENIX — Officers responding to a report of hysterical screams found an eight-year-old girl partially clothed and four boys, barely in their teens, running from an empty shed. The boys, ages nine to 14, face charges ranging from sexual assault to kidnapping, police said Thursday. Authorities in Phoenix say it’s one of the most horrific cases they’ve ever seen.

All five children are refugees from the West African nation of Liberia.


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