British Columbia: Murder and racism along the Highway of Tears?

Barry Artiste Op.Ed

Certainly disturbing that First Nations group claim Aboriginal women are treated as second class citizens, the facts are, it seems to be true unfortunately.  A massive Police search for a sole white teen, while First Nations Bands wait for what seems like an eternity for answers for thier lost loved ones.

All missing women knew full well about the Highway of Tears, yet rolled the dice and hitchiked anyways to parts unknown, hence the responsibility for thier own safety rests solely on these missing women. A sad fact, but true.  As for the murderer whoever he may be, lets hope he is caught and brought to justice.  One caveat in all this, Take a BUS or get someone you know to give you a ride Ladies or stay at home, safe in the  busom of your loved ones, clearly hitchiking is not worth the risk.

With the news that RCMP were searching a property near Prince George for the remains of Nicole Hoar, there was in that grisly development in the Highway of Tears investigation something that remained unsaid.

Hoar was an anomaly. She was white.

Of the nine females originally listed by the RCMP as missing along Highway 16 — a list, in retrospect, that now seems laughably small — Hoar was the sole Caucasian, an Alberta girl who was working as a tree planter in the Prince George area. She was also, at 25, the eldest of the nine.

The other eight were aboriginal.

Of those eight, four were 15.

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