British Columbia Politicians Day Care Crisis: Necessity or Luxury?


Barry Artiste

As far as I am concerned, if you live in a million dollar home, drive a Beemer, have 2.5 kids, and complain you can either not afford the high cost of after school care for your kid, or cannot find a place to put your kid, then you have a choice, we all have choices, sell your Beemer, or buy a cheaper house, brew your own coffee, instead of Starbuck Lattes, move to another school district which has school openings for your kid, that way you will have money to pay for daycare, or two, you will be able to afford to have one parent stay at home to care for your kid.

Relying on the Government to bail your sorry asses out, so you will be able to keep all your stuff, in order to get taxpayers to subsidize your daycare smacks of idiocy and you’re obvious “Everyone owes me a living mentality” most likely garnered from your Hippy Drug Smoking Parents.

The Government didn’t “Stick their Dink in your wife”, you did!  You, both as parents are responsible for your kid, cause “Parent Responsibility doesn’t end with Conception”, regardless what the lefty society, and Vote Sucking Bandwagon jumping Politicians tell ya! If you thought otherwise, perhaps mentally you are not mature or wise enough to have kids.

Perhaps our lefty society as a whole led you to believe that “Hey pop em out as fast as you can”, and we’ll provide for your kids, while you can use that money of yours to live in luxury and drive that Range Rover. Hello Give your Head a Friggin Shake!

One easy answer is one of you to downsize, one of you can give up a career to care for your kid and two stop having more kids if you cannot care for them.

If you think Politicians and their lefty grandiose schemes to promise more after school care for your kid, subsidized or otherwise will magically appear if you elect them, well then you are as stupid as a politician who promises that dreamy dream, cause you should know by now Politicians will tell you what you want to hear, that is what they do. It’s called “Stand and Never Deliver”!

Single parents, low income parents struggling to make ends meet need “FREE Daycare”!!

Two parent families regardless of their income, living in $500,000 homes should have thought about their finances before “Slappin that baloney pony into the corral”. Cause once it’s in there is no turning back, you’re stuck with that kid till 18.

So keep the funding for single families in dire straits, after all that is what it should be meant for, not the families of Jericho, and other luxury burgs. If you are having problems finding a school for your kid, then move!

I raised three kids as a single parent, struggled put them through University, and didn’t need subsidized anything!

So, you can see why as a single parent, why I take exception as a taxpayer, cause I ain’t paying for your lifestyle you can ill afford, and won’t be voting for any Politicians who promises you the moon.

Now here is an “Inconvenient Cultural Truth”  I volunteer at area senior homes from time to time, you know, it is pretty rare to see  an Asian, East Indian, Native Senior  living in these homes.  These Seniors for the most part are Grandparents with all their Mental faculties and fit.  One other thing, they are WHITE AND ABLE SENIORS!  The biggest complaint I get from the Seniors is they see their kid and grandkids perhaps once a week.  I can only surmise their own Flesh and Blood, perhaps do not want Grandma and Grandad who raised them to live with them, who could more than care for their own Grandchildren, but don’t because their Kids most likely feel their elderly parents would cramp their Kids Frappe Latte Lifestyle!

Wanna know something else, the reason why East Asians and First Nations Elderly are not frequent residents of Seniors homes?

Cause their Friggin Kids take care of their parents who raised them with love and caring, a love and caring which carried over to the children, who in return would be horrified to leave their elderly parents in a Seniors home. 

These Kids Moral Compass and Correct Upbringing  ensure their Mom and Dad live at home with them, and allow the Grandparents a role in their Grandchildren’s lives, thus benefiting the children, the grandparents and the Parents.

There is a reason why these Cultural Families have large Honking Homes, they need it for their growing families and Grandparents.  A Culture Western Society used to have but lost, cause we like all our stuff, and don’t want GrandMa and GrandPa Kettle to touch it or  inconvenience our “Groovy Lifestyle”!

The downside not having your parents living with you, is you will send your child to be cared for by perfect strangers for the right CHEAP price, or plop them in front of the TV or computer, hence, why your wonder why your kid today is so screwed up, or susceptible to pedophiles, drugs, gangs etc,,, cause you didn’t pay close personal attention to your kid. A kid who needs you to care enough to raise him  or her with their own family members, or at least one of you to stay at home and raise them as good kids with a good loving upbringing to carry them on to young adults.

So next time when you look at your kid, look at your parents, know what goes around, comes around! Cause you know, if you raise your kid the way you are supposed to, you’ll have a great kid, if you don’t, you’re kid when they are married with children, will be picking your seniors home for ya!

After-care isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity Families struggle to find programs to care for their children after the bell rings

Denise Ryan, Vancouver Sun

Published: Saturday, August 30, 2008

It is less than a week before six-year-old Sacha Goldman starts Grade 1. His mother, Karen Shaw, isn’t thinking about new shoes or school supplies or that photo she’ll take when he sets off for his first day of grade school.

Instead of celebrating an important rite of passage, she’s still trying to figure out which Vancouver public school he’ll attend.

Shaw needs to find a school — preferably within her catchment district — that can also provide her with affordable, on-site after-care.

Like 70 to 80 per cent of parents in Vancouver, she goes to work each day. After-school care is not a luxury for her family, it is a necessity. It’s not for lack of trying — she signed on to waiting lists last April. “I don’t have a child-care space confirmed anywhere yet,” she said.

Shaw was hoping Sacha will get into French immersion at Jules Quesnel, but if she gets the call this week that he’s got a space, she may be forced to turn it down.

The on-site after-care program at Jules Quesnel is full, as are the two other local providers that serve Quesnel’s students. “My second choice is also dependent on where I can get after-care,” she said. If Shaw can’t get Sacha in to French immersion, she’d like him to be in her neighbourhood school, Bayview.

But their Jericho Kids Club after-care has a waiting list, too. Lack of space in schools for before- and after-care programs is one of the main reasons children can’t be accommodated, according to advocates.

The result in the Metro Vancouver region is long waiting lists and growing frustration for working parents who can’t be there when the bell rings. “Any parent who believes their child-care issues are over once they reach school age had better think again,” said Susan Harney, chairwoman of the Coalition of Childcare Advocates of B.C.

After three decades as a child-care advocate, she does not see programs getting better, Harney said. “If anything, they’re getting worse.”

A dire situation There is no central organization running Vancouver’s school-age before- and after-care programs, fees vary from program to program, running from about $250 a month to $450, and waiting lists are the norm.

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British Columbia Politicians Day Care Crisis: Necessity or Luxury? British Columbia Politicians Day Care Crisis: Necessity or Luxury? British Columbia Politicians Day Care Crisis: Necessity or Luxury? British Columbia Politicians Day Care Crisis: Necessity or Luxury? British Columbia Politicians Day Care Crisis: Necessity or Luxury? British Columbia Politicians Day Care Crisis: Necessity or Luxury?

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