British Columbia Shows the World we are Ready for 2010 Olympics


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Barry Artiste Op/Ed

British Columbia, the Wild, Wild West of Canada, certainly Showcases the World with it’s “The Bestest Place in the World to Live”!  Judging by the rash of gangland shootings, killings and rapes this past week and month, one wonders if the World may rethink its desire to get the bestest seat in the house, for some if they are not careful on our city streets, the best seat may be at the Coroners Table.
Yay, Vancouver politicians and lawmakers, you surely show your true colours to the world, Blood Red!

This time, the shooting took place in Surrey, at King George Highway and 100 Avenue, about 1:30 Friday afternoon. No one appears to have been hit and police aren’t saying who was targeted, if in fact, they know.

Like the attempt on the life of Jamie Bacon in Abbotsford last week, this shooting took place in a busy commercial area surrounded by stores, restaurants, bus stops and a Skytrain station.

It really seems like just a matter of time before someone is going to get caught in the crossfire.

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