Burundi abolishes death penalty, criminalizes homosexuality

Barry Artiste Op/Ed

Yeah, guess baby steps are better than nothing. But then considering this African Country continues to suckle on the generous Teats of Western World Aid, I wonder how they would feel if the Head of the World Aid group was Gay? Would these Government Wonks refuse that billions of dollars in aid in which it is assured many in power sock away a portion of that monetary aid into a swiss bank account or to maintain their palatial mansions? Hell No! These government officials would not refuse the aid, they’d be rushing in line to cup the ball sack with their chin of the Gay World Aid President if it meant maintaining their life of luxury, the common folk can only dream of.


Burundi abolishes death penalty, criminalizes homosexuality

Esdras Ndikumana, AFP

Published: Saturday, November 22, 2008

BUJUMBURA – Burundi’s parliament on Saturday adopted a new set of laws abolishing the death penalty for the first time in the troubled central African country.

The new penal law also incorporates elements of international law on genocide and crimes against humanity but criminalizes homosexuality.

The law overwhelmingly passed by Burundi’s MPs still needs to be approved by the senate and promulgated by President Pierre Nkurunziza, both steps seen as a “I would like to thank the Burundian lawmakers who have achieved a historic landmark by adopting a new penal law by 90 votes for, no votes against and 10 abstentions,” Speaker Pie Ntavyohanyuma said.

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Burundi abolishes death penalty, criminalizes homosexuality Burundi abolishes death penalty, criminalizes homosexuality Burundi abolishes death penalty, criminalizes homosexuality Burundi abolishes death penalty, criminalizes homosexuality Burundi abolishes death penalty, criminalizes homosexuality Burundi abolishes death penalty, criminalizes homosexuality

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