C-PAC Satellite Coordinates for MPEG-2 / DVB Receivers and Schedule

Here are the coordinates for C-PAC via satellite
Main –   Galaxy 16 –  99 degrees West –  Dig Frequency 11831 Mhz (Hoz)  Symbol Rate 3.978 msps or 3979
Audience View Galaxy 16 –  99 degrees West –  Dig Frequency 11824Mhz (Hoz)  Symbol Rate 3.978 msps or 3979
You must have a linear LNBF of .6 or better .2 best.  Your dish should be 30 Inc or more.
Please tweet questions to @politisite or @ironmillns for further information
You may also see a live stream at TownHall here
Date provided by Nascanner, Iron Mill News Service and Politisite.com
CPAC agenda is a work in progress. Updates are made throughout the week.
Note: There will be a pre-CPAC reception for Diamond attendees on Wednesday, February 17, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel. Tickets available at registration desk on February 17.
XPAC Lounge Opens
Washington Rooms 1-4
Games, WiFi, Wii and more
Open to all XPAC ticket holders
Welcome to the 37th Annual CPAC
Marriott Ballroom
David A. Keene, American Conservative Union
Introduction: Cleta Mitchell, American Conservative Union Foundation
Leslie Sanchez, author of You’ve Come A Long Way, Maybe
Hon. Marco Rubio
Marriott Ballroom
Introduction: Sen. Jim DeMint (SC)
College Republican Hospitality Suite
Meeting Room 8206
Sponsored by the College Republican National Committee (All day)
Refreshments Provided
Open to members of the College Republicans
Grassroots Activist Workshop
Wilson AB
Sponsored by Leadership Institute (2 hours)
Speakers: Ron Nehring, Joel Mowbray, Rob Willington
Open to all CPAC attendees
Sen. Jim DeMint
Marriott Ballroom
Introduction: David A. Keene, American Conservative Union
Saving Freedom for Future Generations
Marriott Ballroom
Kevin McCullough and Stephen Baldwin, XPAC
Jason Mattera, Young America’s Foundation and author of Obama Zombies: How the Liberal Machine Brainwashed My Generation
Rep. Joshua Mandel (OH)
Moderator: Jeff Frazee, Young Americans for Liberty
Is it time for a Catholic Tea Party? The Importance of Catholic Participation in Government
Taylor Room
Sponsored by Catholic Advocate (1 hour)
Speaker: Deal Hudson
Open to all CPAC attendees
Fight Obama Secrecy – How to Get Records the Government is Hiding
Delaware Ballroom
Sponsored by Judicial Watch (1 hour)
Open to all CPAC attendees
The Rise of Latino Conservatism
Virginia Ballroom
Sponsored by American Principles Project (1 hour)
Speakers: Grover Norquist, Karyme Lozano, Eduardo Verastegui, Alfonso Aguilar, Governor Luis Fortuno (invited)
Light Refreshments will be served
Open to All CPAC attendees
Getting Started in Hollywood
Room 8212
Sponsored by Bank of Kev Productions (1.5 hours)
Speakers: Kevin McKeever of Bank of Kev Productions and Larry O’Connor of Breitbart’s Big Hollywood.
Industry veterans McKeever and O’Connor show you the ins and outs of getting a career started in the world of Film, TV and Theater
Open to all CPAC attendees
Hon. Dick Armey
Marriott Ballroom
Introduction: Henry Broesche, Houston, TX
Citizens United Productions Film Festival
Maryland Ballroom
Rediscovering God in America II: Our Heritage (1 hour)
Citizens United Productions
Saving Freedom One Patriot at a Time
Marriott Ballroom
Ginni Thomas, LibertyCentral.org
Dana Loesch, St. Louis Tea Party
John O’Hara, author of A New American Tea Party
Jenny Beth Martin, Tea Party Patriots
Moderator: Andrew Moylan, National Taxpayers Union
“Freedom Watch” Live Taping
XPAC Lounge
Hosted by Judge Andrew Napolitano
Open to all XPAC ticket holders
Liz Cheney
Marriott Ballroom
Introduction: David A. Keene, American Conservative Union
Paul Jacob
Maryland Ballroom
Introduction: Amanda Roman, Citizens in Charge Foundation
Student Activist Workshop
Wilson AB
Sponsored by Leadership Institute and Alliance Defense Fund (1 hour)
Open to all CPAC attendees
Saving Freedom Through Technology: Growth of the Online Movement
Marriott Ballroom
Erick Erickson, RedState.com
Jonathan Garthwaite, Townhall.com
Mark Tapscott, Washington Examiner
Tucker Carlson, The Daily Caller
Moderator: Robert Bluey, The Heritage Foundation
Colin Hanna, Let Freedom Ring
Saving Freedom from the Tax Collectors
Maryland Ballroom
Josh Barro, Manhattan Institute
Ryan Ellis, Americans for Tax Reform
Pete Sepp, National Taxpayers Union (INVITED)
Dave Weber, Association of Mature American Citizens
Moderator: Lew Uhler, National Tax Limitation Committee
“Friend or Foe? Abraham Lincoln on Liberty”
Delaware Ballroom
Sponsored by Campaign for Liberty (60 minutes)
Speaker: Dr. Thomas DiLorenzo
Open to All CPAC Attendees
NOVA List Company
Taylor Room
Sponsored by NOVA List Company (60 minutes)
Case Study Hannah Giles Legal Defense Fund
“From the Mailbox to the Inbox” – Integrating email into your direct mail program
Presentation by Stratmark and round table discussion to follow
Open to All CPAC Attendees
Meet and Greet with John Loughlin
Wilson C
Sponsored by Friends of John Loughlin (2 Hours)
Speaker: John Loughlin
Open to All CPAC Attendees
Hon. Mitt Romney
Marriott Ballroom
Introduction: Dr. Jay Sekulow, American Center for Law and Justice
Rep. Thaddeus McCotter (MI)
Marriott Ballroom
Introduction: Robert Davi, Actor and Director
Roger Hedgecock
Maryland Ballroom
Introduction: Jim Roberts, Radio America
“When All Else Fails: Nullification & State Resistance to Federal Tyranny”
Delaware Ballroom
Sponsored by Campaign for Liberty (1 hour)
Speaker: Dr. Thomas E. Woods
Open to All CPAC Attendees
Internet Activist Workshop
Wilson AB
Sponsored by Leadership Institute (3 hours)
Open to all CPAC attendees

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