Calgary Mom used daughters to help make porn


Barry Artiste

How touching the mother shed a tear in a courtroom, only because she was caught making Child Porn with her children and it was discovered she willingly allowed her boyfriend to rape her 7 year old daughter in their Homemade Child Movie, is to undergo a pyscho assessment.

An appropriate assessment preferable by most of us, should be administered by Dr.’s Smith & Wesson.

Mom used daughters to help make porn

By KEVIN MARTIN — Sun Media The Calgary Sun Dabbing away an occasional tear, a Calgary mom yesterday admitted helping her boyfriend use her daughters to create kiddie porn.

The woman, who can’t be named to protect her daughters, admitted to charges of making and distributing child pornography, as well as being a party to the sexual assault of her youngest daughter.

The woman was also present while her boyfriend sexually assaulted the younger girl and police found pornographic images of the seven-year-old on the mom’s cellphone, as well as a video of the girl and her nine-year-old sister showering naked.

At defence lawyer Steve Wojick’s request his client will undergo a pre-sentence report and psychiatric assessment to see what treatment, if any, is appropriate. Her former boyfriend was sentenced to seven years in March 2007.

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Calgary Mom used daughters to help make porn Calgary Mom used daughters to help make porn

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