Canada Outbreak ‘outrageous’ Consumer group blasts feds over listeriosis deaths


Barry Artiste

Listeria Hysteria is nothing new, it has hit the world over from Turkey to New South Wales and other parts of the world.

Though the Listeriosis is a tragedy, befalling dozens of Canadians, some fatally, certainly the Feds must share blame instead of Maple Leaf, when like the Mad Cow Disease years ago, was unforeseen and the Feds and Industry acted immediately.

One consumer group perhaps is misdirecting their rage at the Feds, wanting to make it an election issue this fall, certainly have short memories when the Mad Cow crisis , bacteria contaminated vegetables with E-coli etc hit during the Liberal Governments reign as well, and you cannot fault the Liberal either for something as unforeseen as Mad Cow either. 

We are a global economy, we get foods from other countries which can be infected at the time of picking or in transport, many want organic, unfortunately, without irradiation which can kill bacteria, tragedy can result with fruits and veggies.  People in this day and age should be vigilant in ensuring their veggies are washed and cleaned before eating and meat and fish is properly cooked, relying on fellow human beings to do it for you in industry and government is not a good start when your life and children are involved. 

One does not know why in the past, from the 70’s and before, we never had a problem as large as we have today, perhaps environment, perhaps more stringent testing processes, or more homegrown and home raised food was more predominate instead of relying on imported foods.

My own theory is perhaps in the 1970’s and in the past, we did not rely on antibiotics for every bacterial infection, and Dr. Mom, let it run its course in our bodies and we may have built up a resistance, where as in the last two decades, we have come to rely on antibiotics for every little Boo Boo that ails us. Thereby becoming more susceptible to everything we come in contact.

Middle Eastern Cultures eat raw lamb with no problem, we at home eat steak tartar, raw beef and become sick as dogs.

Perhaps Middle Eastern Cultures have built up a resistance to the bacteria. I am only assuming this, as it is the animal which is infected, not the sanitary conditions which cause the Listeria.

As for animals, we need more Vets out there ensuring animals are tested before hitting the killing floors.  Many do not know a lot of our fish and meat can come from other countries cheaper than what our farmers pay to raise here at home.

New Zealand Lamb and Beef, Chinese Seafood etc. So perhaps they too may have to step up their Testing processes as well, before their food hits our country, the same as fruits and veggies from  other countries which we enjoy when out of season here at home.

Children, Elderly, pregnant women should avoid meats and some dairy like the plague and get proteins and dairy elsewhere.

Going to a health department food guide for alternatives is a start. Those older teens and adults with healthy immune systems may have a better chance of fighting the bacteria.

Perhaps an election issue can brought forward in hiring more inspectors, and contract out to analytical labs to do fast turnaround times for foods for analysis’s, as now it has spread to Dairy as well.

Unfortunately suing a Food Company, will most likely cause more harm than good, but in the end, let us hope this tragedy is nipped in the bud and vigilance is the watchword from now on.

Below is info on Listeria Listeria Monocytogenes

This microorganism is a potential pathogen for both humans and animals. Most human cases occur in patients with debilitating disease or in prenatal or neonatal infants. Sepsis, meningitis, and disseminated abscesses occur in infected patients. Meat, vegetables, and various milk products are the most common sources of infection.

Canada Outbreak ‘outrageous’ Consumer group blasts feds over listeriosis deaths


TORONTO — A nationwide outbreak of listeriosis that has claimed at least eight lives and been linked to bacteria found in meats made by Maple Leaf Foods is “an outrageous situation” that never should have happened, says a national consumer advocacy group. Eleanor Friedland, vice-president of the Consumers Council of Canada, said yesterday she doesn’t believe the federal government when it says consumer safety is a priority.

“If that’s the case, how come (so many) people have died and we don’t know how many more will be showing symptoms?” Friedland said. “The ball fell through and consumer confidence is right down the tubes, with respect to government and companies like Maple Leaf.

It’s absolutely outrageous.” Friedland called on the federal government to ramp up inspections and for municipal and provincial governments to bully the feds into paying attention to the matter, which she said she plans to make a major election issue should Canada head for a fall vote.

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Canada Outbreak 'outrageous' Consumer group blasts feds over listeriosis deaths Canada Outbreak 'outrageous' Consumer group blasts feds over listeriosis deaths Canada Outbreak 'outrageous' Consumer group blasts feds over listeriosis deaths Canada Outbreak 'outrageous' Consumer group blasts feds over listeriosis deaths Canada Outbreak 'outrageous' Consumer group blasts feds over listeriosis deaths Canada Outbreak 'outrageous' Consumer group blasts feds over listeriosis deaths Canada Outbreak 'outrageous' Consumer group blasts feds over listeriosis deaths Canada Outbreak 'outrageous' Consumer group blasts feds over listeriosis deaths Canada Outbreak 'outrageous' Consumer group blasts feds over listeriosis deaths

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