Canada: Stoned driver who killed 2 people gets 4-year sentence

Barry Artiste Op/Ed

Yep, anyone who says marijuana should be legalized, and lefty ass bandit advocates who say Police administering drug tests to drivers violates their Human Rights, should be looking the victims families square in the eye when they say it. But we know cowards that they are won’t!

I have added undated stock photos to this story to stress the other side of Marijuana

Stoned driver who killed 2 people gets 4-year sentence

Last Updated: Friday, November 21, 2008 | 6:44 PM MT

CBC News

An Edmonton man, found guilty of killing two people and injuring two others while he was driving high on marijuana, was sentenced Friday to four years in prison — reduced to 37 months after the judge gave him credit for time served.

James McIlwrick, 36, was found guilty in September on two counts of impaired driving causing death and two counts of impaired driving causing bodily harm.

McIlwrick slammed head-on into an SUV carrying four people around 7:30 a.m. on Nov. 25, 2003. He had smoked two marijuana joints before heading off for work that day.

Tammy Engelking, 27, and Henry Yao, 40, died in the crash, while two others in the SUV were injured.

McIlwrick showed no emotion as the judge sentenced him, but his mother and girlfriend burst into tears.

Engelking’s sister, Shelleen Shultz, expressed relief outside court that the long process is finally over.

“This has been a long time coming and I think we’re all relieved that Mr. McIlwrick is finally going to be paying for what he did,” she said. “It doesn’t get any better even after five years, but I think there’s going to finally be some closure.”

In sentencing submissions last week, Crown prosecutor Greg Merchant had asked the judge to impose a prison sentence of four to five years.

McIlwrick’s lawyer, Bill Tatarchuk, asked for a two-year sentence to be served in the community.

Tatarchuk told the court McIlwrick smokes marijuana to help him deal with pain from medical problems, and told the judge his client posed no danger to the community as long as he doesn’t drive.

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Canada: Stoned driver who killed 2 people gets 4-year sentence Canada: Stoned driver who killed 2 people gets 4-year sentence Canada: Stoned driver who killed 2 people gets 4-year sentence Canada: Stoned driver who killed 2 people gets 4-year sentence Canada: Stoned driver who killed 2 people gets 4-year sentence Canada: Stoned driver who killed 2 people gets 4-year sentence

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