Canada to Have a Fall Election: Waffles Dion Charges.


Barry Artiste

“Waffles Dion”, Canada’s Liberal Opposition Leader charges his meeting with the Canadian Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper was nothing more than a “Well Played Charade!”

Certainly Mr. Dion, and his Liberal party are “Masters at Charades”!  Maybe Stephane Harper and his Conservatives can be accused of playing the “Game of 20 Questions” in which perhaps Stephane DIon was not expecting, preferring his own “Charade Mat” , in which Prime Minister Harper is tired of guessing what the Liberals want and when, after stating over and over again, that they the Liberals will bring the house of parliament down, when votes do not go their way, and the end result is always the same, The Liberals slink back, knowing time and time again Steven Harper and the Conservatives will always call their Bluff. 

Maybe this weekend Harper was just tired of guessing what Dion, wanted,as we all know Dion is like a Prom Date, standing by the Gym wall waiting for Harper to make the first move, and Harper knows he is not desperate enough for the first dance,as he is the Prime Minister, so Dion, is pretty much going to have to curtsy and answer the first question.

The question Harper may have put to Dion is, “are you Ready to Dance”, if so, “when”, what dance steps do you know, what music do you want to dance to? Cause if you don’t know, or only have one or two dance steps in your repertoire, I’ll two step with ya anyway, but it ain’t gonna be pretty!

So Dion has to understand this isn’t high school anymore and he makes a pretty pathetic opposing dance partner, when he is clearly out of tune with the orchestra of Canadians.

At least Prime Minister Harper doesn’t always keep us guessing, and has an answer to a question, versus Waffle’s Liberal Party Platform based on the “Environmental Green Shift and Carbon Tax”, which leaves many unanswered questions, with the Liberals have completely ignored requests to explain how it will all work and how will it affect Canadians, the economy, jobs, and our dollar? 

The Conservatives have boosted the Canadian Economy and Deficit and our High Dollar almost at Par with the US currency  has Canadians working, something all three boosts Canadians have not seen since in decades and decades. 

Rest assured if the Liberals get back in, our dollar will drop to it’s previous Liberal Government induced rate of  a low of 0.60 cents, high inflation, disasterous economy, and a record high deficit the Liberal brought to Canadians.

Do we really want that?  Will I see a flood of comments to my story, proving me wrong? Yeah, Right “Nancy Boys and Girls”, I won’t be holding my breath anytime soon!

Of course there will be Conservative Detractors, to that I say, do some research and post in my comments section, any time in the last three decades that under the Liberals our economy, deficit, dollar and unemployment have finally gotten under control. You won’t find it!   

One can guess It was all “Brass Tacks”, and Stephane “Neddie Flanders” Dion doesn’t play that way, preferring his Charades, much like his Clueless Political Savy “Plain Water Thanks” with plenty of “Plain Waffles fer Dippin!”.

So a fall election is in the making, and Dion is ready with unlimited amounts of political “Maple Syrup” in hand, whether for a fall election or more Waffles, only IHOP can guess.

As for me, Well I am more a bacon and eggs kind of guy, with pan fries, toast and coffee on the side.

“Plain Water and Bread for Dippin” along with Dion and the Liberals platform of a “Carbon Tax” for Canadians, just ain’t on my menu.

(Photo inset) Liberal Leader Stephane Dion leaves 24 Sussex Drive following a meeting with Prime Minister Stephen Harper in Ottawa on Monday, Sept. 1, 2008. (Sean Kilpatrick / THE CANADIAN PRESS)

Dion calls meeting with Harper a ‘charade’

Liberal Leader Stephane Dion says he left a meeting with Prime Minister Stephen Harper Monday afternoon with a clear message: There will be a fall election. News Staff “

(Harper) doesn’t want Canadians to have too much time to see he is ill-prepared to face the economy . . . he doesn’t want to face byelections,” Dion told reporters.

Dion called the 20-minute meeting a “charade” and repeatedly took Harper to task for his willingness to call an election before the fixed election date of October 2009.

Sources say Harper will dissolve Parliament by this Sunday and set an election date for Oct. 14 of this year. The prime minister’s spokesperson, Kory Teneycke, said that Dion was asked if he would support the Conservative minority government until the fixed election date, but refused. “Mr. Dion could find no area of common ground with the government to move forward with a legislative agenda,” Teneycke told reporters.

But Dion said that the Liberals have opposed the Conservatives from the start of the minority government in 2006 and said that the prime minister was being politically opportunistic in his election timing.

Teneycke countered that, “We are in uncertain economic times and there are a number of things that government would like to move forward on and it’s fair to say that the atmosphere has become more partisan.

“The opposition clearly wants an election.” CTV’s Mike Duffy said that Dion played exactly the way that Conservatives expected him to and said Harper will be able to say on the campaign trail that he tried to work with the opposition.

“There will be some Liberals . . . that say, ‘Jean Chrétien would never have fallen into this trap,'” Duffy told CTV Newsnet Monday afternoon.

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Canada to Have a Fall Election: Waffles Dion Charges. Canada to Have a Fall Election: Waffles Dion Charges. Canada to Have a Fall Election: Waffles Dion Charges. Canada to Have a Fall Election: Waffles Dion Charges. Canada to Have a Fall Election: Waffles Dion Charges. Canada to Have a Fall Election: Waffles Dion Charges. Canada to Have a Fall Election: Waffles Dion Charges. Canada to Have a Fall Election: Waffles Dion Charges. Canada to Have a Fall Election: Waffles Dion Charges. Canada to Have a Fall Election: Waffles Dion Charges. Canada to Have a Fall Election: Waffles Dion Charges. Canada to Have a Fall Election: Waffles Dion Charges. Canada to Have a Fall Election: Waffles Dion Charges.

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