Canada will ‘not be bullied’ by Russia: Cannon


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Barry Artiste Op/Ed

First of all, the only people who have claim to the arctic are the ones who have lived there for thousands of years, the Inuit and Aboriginal peoples of both countries.  For nations to lay claim to land not theirs is out and out theft! Period! No debate, No legalise! Possession has always been claimed as 9/10th of the law and the Inuit and Aboriginal First Nations who live there own it!  So whats the problem that all of a sudden in the last decade countries want to take it away from these peoples?  Natural Resources!!  I put it this way, if Canada and Russia want it, then they should try and live like the Inuit in the frozen tundra for a year or two with nothing but a spear and rifle and the same clothes and conditions as the Inuit, the survivors after the end of a year living in a igloo, with no help from their respective countries or the Inuit. Then and only then can these governments work out a financial agreement with the true owners to work their land for resources.  As one who knows the Arctic, I guarantee you if these countries send their representatives to live in the arctic, there will be nary a survivor in a week.  As Polar bears say, Ohhh Chewy on the Outside, Crunchy on the Inside!

MONTREAL — Canada will not be bullied by the Russians in the Arctic, a tough-talking Foreign Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon said Friday.

Responding to news reports the Kremlin is planning to create a dedicated military force to help protect its interests in the disputed Arctic region, Mr. Cannon said Canada will not back down from asserting its own sovereignty in the North.

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