Canada Youth Offender Act Needs to Give out Serious Time for Serious Crime.

Barry Artiste Op/Ed

A big Federal Election issue, which may have played a small part in the Conservative Minority Government for Prime Minister Stephen Harper was increasing jail terms for young offender, including dropping the age requirements and publicizing the offenders names.

Certainly the Toronto parents of this child stabbed to death over a pair of $1.00 gloves would agree with the Prime Minister, when many of us witness rampant crime feel enough is enough!

The only deterrent is Jail, and More Jail, cause clearly Group Hugs to Criminals in the way of behavior modification isn’t working.

A youth even at 14 years old know right from wrong, including taking one life for a pair of $1.00 gloves.

The media, video games, movies and rap music portraying “Gangsta lifestyle” as Cool , gives many youth the false impression their mortality is forever.

T.O. teen knifed for $1 gloves


A fight over a cheap pair of gloves nearly cost a 15-year-old boy his life Tuesday.

The Grade 9 student was brazenly stabbed in the stomach in front of at least 50 students in a busy hallway at Don Mills Collegiate Institute, witnesses said.

According to friends who were close by, the stunned victim didn’t say a word as a pool of blood began to seep through his white shirt. He pulled the shirt up to reveal a hole in his stomach and muscle matter hanging from the wound.

“He was stunned,” a 13-year-old friend said. “He stood there — there was a hole in his shirt.

He lifted up his shirt and you could see like, his muscle hanging out of his stomach.

Then he turned around and started walking. It didn’t sound like he was hurt at all. Then he was like, ‘call the ambulance.’ “

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Canada Youth Offender Act Needs to Give out Serious Time for Serious Crime. Canada Youth Offender Act Needs to Give out Serious Time for Serious Crime.

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