Canada’s refugee system is broken: Kenney:Each Claim Cost $29,000

Barry Artiste Op.Ed

Damn straight the Refugee system is broken, when many who claim refugee status are more opportunistic and take full advantage of Canada’s Generous Welfare System to the tune of  a forecasted $82.4 Million dollars just in one of our 10 provinces alone. Multiply that cost by 10 provinces and you can see how crushing a debt taxpayers are forking out almost a billion dollars a year.

Time to close up shop and send these shoppers packing whence they come from, with many coming from the USA via Mexico and other areas around the world.  The old flush their passport down the toilet cannot wash anymore so we cannot know which country you came from and cannot send you back doesn’t wash, I put it this way, if the plane you came on is identified, that is the plane you go back on.

Third World Toilet Regimes needs to get taken over and democratic governments to be put in place, if not, all foriegn aid will stop immediately.  Then those to useless to make a difference in their own country will either perish or fight for a better life, instead of whining for us in the West to do their fighting for them.

Tough times , mean tough measures.

OTTAWA — Canada’s refugee system is broken, with unacceptably long delays to determine whether someone is a legitimate refugee, says Immigration Minister Jason Kenney.

Testifying before a Parliamentary committee Tuesday, Kenney said he is working on plans to overhaul the system and hopes to introduce the changes before Christmas.

“This is a broken system and it needs to be streamlined,” Kenney told MPs, saying he wants to weed false claimants out quickly so Canada can do more to help those who truly need asylum.

Kenney promised refugees will still get an oral hearing before a decision maker and he suggested the IRB, which now makes the primary decision on refugee claims, could hear appeals.

The decision will not be made by Canada Border Services officers at points of entry, he said.

Kenney said the backlog of refugee claims had reached 61,000 by the end of June 2009. The Immigration and Refugee Board can only hear up to 25,000 asylum claims a year, and unsuccessful claimants can end up spending years in Canada before they exhaust all possible appeals.


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