Canadian healthcare killed Natasha Richardson: NEW YORK POST!

Barry Artiste Op.Ed

Well isn’t this a Kick in the Slats for Canada, when those in the US who are anti Canadian Healthcare publish Fear Mongering to the Masses.  Point being, Ms. Richardson refuses medical treatment, plain and simple.  If she has listened to those who tries to help her, we would not be having this conversation, because Ms. Richardson would have been alive.

MONTREAL — Some Montreal doctors added a dose of realism Saturday to the fiery debate south of the border that asked if Canada’s “socialized medicine” killed actress Natasha Richardson after she hit her head skiing on Mont Tremblant March 16.

“Canadacare may have killed Natasha,” screamed a headline in the New York Post. “Was Canada’s healthcare the problem?”asked another in the Chicago Tribune.

The implication “is totally unjustified,” said Paul Saba, an emergency room doctor at Lachine Hospital and co-president of the Coalition of Physicians for Social Justice.

He flatly rejected the notion that a lack of funding for overall public health care contributes to fatal head injuries like the one that claimed the life of Richardson, the wife of actor Liam Neeson and the daughter of legendary actress Vanessa Redgrave.

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