Canadian military aware of sex abuse of Children by Afghan Forces

Barry Artiste Op/Ed

Certainly Anal Sex with young Children, seen as a Cultural Issue in Afghanistan with Afghan Forces, makes one wonder the ClusterF*ck that Afghanees must be going through, when our Military are told to leave well enough alone by Higher Ups, because in their words, it is an accepted practice of their culture. If I were a Canadian soldier witnessing this rape of children, methinks my Canadian Culture should allow me to toss an errant grenade into the Afghan Military Tent. Cause that is what my Culture Demands!

Army staff and National Defence headquarters officials were told in 2007 that young boys had allegedly been sexually abused by Afghan security forces at a Canadian base in Afghanistan, but the concern at the time was that the incident might be reported in the news media, according to military records obtained by the Ottawa Citizen.

In addition, last year Brig.-Gen. J.C. Collin, commander of Land Force Central Area, passed on to senior army leadership concerns raised by military police who said they had been told by their commanders not to interfere in incidents where Afghan forces were having sex with children.

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