Canadian Political Party Leaders step up attacks as campaign winds down

Barry Artiste Op/Ed

Attacks on all sides by Political Party leaders seem to be the norm in order to sway the undecided voters. The NDP one trick pony attack always seems to centre on a Vote for Prime Minister Harper is a Vote for US President George Bush.

Funny, Bush isn’t running, but as many revile Bush, this seems a easy target for the NDP to scare voters unclued on the concept that Harper and Bush are like Chalk and Cheese.

The NDP are all over the place centring on the Homeless, low wage voters, and anti Corporate stance and corporate tax breaks, yet at the same time, the NDP are stating massive training programs for those who wish to get into the corporate manufacturing industry.

One wonders how this training program will work, where upon graduation, there will be no place for these graduates to work, if the NDP state they hate corporates. Corporates who rely on Tax breaks to hire people and do research and development.

The Liberals on the other hand slander Harper and Layton on both sides, and use their one trick pony the Green Shift Environmental plan as Vote getter for Environmentalists.

The Green Party as well are all over the place, yet centre mainly on the environment, yet have no clear plan, who will pay, and how much it will cost and how it will be done.

The Conservatives, are mainly concentrating on Law and Order, knowing many in Canada are fed up with crime, with the environment dead last in their party platform.

The Bloq Quebec, are pretty much there to protect the interests of Quebec, who by an large make up a 1/3 of the population of Canada. But Ontario by population is catching up fast.

Polls, in the hundreds can’t seem to get anything accurate and should be dismissed like the National Inquirer, as no one poll comes with anything accurate or useable.

The Barry Artiste Poll is this Harper a slim Majority, NDP second, with Liberals third and booting Dion as Liberal leader for a disasterous placing in the election. Green party Leader most likely will not win her own seat, leaving a void to be filled by anyone in the Greens who is lucky enough to get elected to Parliament. The Bloq Quebec will get a respectable number of votes, as they are clearly in the hearts and minds of Quebecer’s who know Bloq Leader Duceppe has their best interests at heart and is a decent working man much like the voters who elect him.

Leaders step up attacks as campaign winds down

Updated Sat. Oct. 11 2008 9:26 AM ET News Staff

The final weekend of the federal election campaign has arrived and leaders are working to shore up support before voters cast their ballots on Tuesday.

The Liberal and Conservative leaders will both be in vote-rich southern Ontario on Saturday.

Stephen Harper’s Conservatives still hold a slight lead in the polls, but it has diminished during the five-week campaign as talk of a possible recession surfaced.

On Friday, Harper attacked Liberal Leader Stephane Dion, citing trouble Dion had during an interview with CTV Atlantic as proof the Liberal won’t effectively lead Canada through the current economic difficulties.

Dion called Harper’s attack a “low blow” on his admittedly shaky English language skills and said Harper “has no class and no plan.”

In an attempt to bolster Dion’s campaign, former prime minister Jean Chrétien stepped out of retirement to speak at a Liberal rally in Brampton, Ont. where he railed against Harper.

NDP Leader Jack Layton, who has seen his poll numbers slide, also had a former leader speak out on his behalf on Friday. Ed Broadbent, who led the party to a record 43 seats in 1988, predicted the NDP will set a new record this time around.

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Canadian Political Party Leaders step up attacks as campaign winds down Canadian Political Party Leaders step up attacks as campaign winds down

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