Canadian researchers uncover Chinese Espionage network: Malware


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Barry Artiste Op/Ed
A Global Chinese Government Espionage Network? Holy James Bond!!! And what will be done about it by our Governments?  Nothing! Of course there will be Humble Chinese, we so sorry apologies, rumour and innuendo, perhaps even a gunshot to the back of the head of some government chinese wonk as a show of complacency.

Bottom Line, they are a World Trading Power! They own the USA Treasury Bills, Bonds etc.  Why? Because We allowed it! Why again? Because we are not allowed Manufacturers here in our country to export all their labour to Asia cause we do not have Slave Labour in the West nor do we exact Human Rights abuses against our People. It is called Laws people, something the Nancy West allowed China to become it’s No. 1 trading partner in the Pacific Rim to flout laws and our health and safety codes time and time again, all so we as consumers can scramble like Monkeys for those low, low prices and Big Yellow Smiley Faces we all scramble to on weekends for our consumer products.  Think about it! You reap what you sow! And with our Global Economic Meltdown, we obviously Sow (ed) Big Time!

A 10-month investigation by a team of researchers at the University of Toronto uncovered a broad Chinese espionage scheme that reached into foreign embassies, news services and even the office of the Dalai Lama.

The researchers says the system — called GhostNet — sent e-mails that introduced malware into host computers, which in turn fed information back to servers located on the Chinese mainland.

“The GhostNet system directs infected computers to download a Trojan (horse) known as ghOst RAT that allows attackers to gain complete, real-time control,” the authors write in Tracking GhostNet: Investigating a Cyber Espionage Network.

“Our investigation reveals that GhostNet is capable of taking full control of infected computers, including searching and downloading specific files, and covertly operating attached devices, including microphones and web cameras.”

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