Carl Icahn says Obama would be a “terrible” President who would Wreck the Economy

Carl Icahn says Obama would be a “terrible” President who would Wreck the Economy


I don’t normally get involved in politics, but this time I am,” Icahn told an investors conference in New York Wednesday night in remarks embargoed until this morning. “I don’t think Obama really understands economics.

“I personally think he would be a terrible president,” Icahn said, arguing that Obama would probably go on a “huge spending spree” that “the country can’t afford right now.”

Billionaire investor Carl Icahn says Obama would be a “terrible” president who would wreck the economy, Bloomberg is reporting today.

Icahn also noted that Obama has also pledged to let President Bush’s tax cuts lapse for people making more than $200,000 a year. “You would have a loss of confidence in the dollar,” leading to higher inflation and interest rates, Icahn said, according to Bloomberg.

Source: via politisite

Carl Icahn says Obama would be a

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