Caroline Kennedy is OUT, IN, and Out again


Caroline Kennedy

Caroline Kennedy

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Caroline Kennedy had Withdrawn her Senate Bid due to continued health concerns of Uncle Senator Ted Kennedy.  She then changed her mind.  Seems that Governor Patterson asked her to reconsider her decision for 24 hours.  This appears odd as the front runner seems to be State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo.  Politisite thinks that the Boston station did not confirm their source. Several sources are now saying that Gov. Patterson will make his decision prior to this weekend and will pick Cuomo.

Fresh off her startling withdrawal her name from consideration for Hillary Clinton’s still-warm US Senate seat, Caroline Kennedy is reaching out to supporters and state leaders to personally inform them of her decision and thank them for their support, DN Capitol Bureau Chief Ken Lovett reports.

A spokesman for Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver confirmed he had chatted on the phone with Kennedy earlier today.

Silver originally was highly critical of Kennedy, saying Mayor Bloomberg’s support of her, coupled with Deputy Mayor Kevin Sheekey’s back-channel efforts on her behalf, made her loyalties suspect.

But Silver then suddenly reversed himself and declared his support of Kennedy, saying by way of explanation that he expected she would be Gov. David Paterson’s choice for Clinton’s seat and so had decided to get on the train before it left the station.

Caroline Kennedy Withdraws, then Renews Bid for Senate 

  There’s new developments in who may possibly fill Hillary Clinton’s vacant senate seat. Published reports say Caroline Kennedy is Withdrawing her bid to join the U.S. Senate in the New York seat once held by her uncle, Robert Kennedy. However, late Wednesday night, a person close to the decision says Kennedy changed her mind, and is renewing her determination to win the appointment. The source says her after uncle, Senator Ted Kennedy, had a seizure Tuesday during the inauguration luncheon, Caroline had misgivings about the job.

New York Governor David Paterson said Tuesday he’s considering state Attorney General Andrew Cuomo for the job, and is expected to make an appointment by the weekend.

NowPublic Writer Rhonda J Mangus Has added this comment

Politisite, an update: I am watching Channel 7 News out of Buffalo, NY — they are reporting that Ms. Kennedy is renewing her bid for Mrs. Clinton’s Senate seat.

Shes Out!

Caroline Kennedy
has withdrawn from consideration for the vacant Senate seat in New York, according to a person told of her decision.

On Wednesday she called the governor, David Paterson, who is making the selection of who should succeed Senator Hillary Clinton. Her concerns about Senator Edward M. Kennedy’s deteriorating health (he was hospitalized after a seizure during the inaugural lunch on Tuesday ) prompted her decision to withdraw, this person said. Coping with the health issues of her uncle, with whom she enjoys an extraordinarily close bond, was her most important priority; a situation not conducive to starting a high profile public job.

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