Barry Artiste Op/Ed
Certainly a dirty little secret held in many countries, where the availability of children for money knows no limits, and penalties for those who indulge or trade in human flesh is minimal at best compared to what the child goes through for the rest of their life.
Conservative Prime Minister Harpers Crime Bill to slam home “Serious time for Serious crimes” in regards to the “Sex Trade and Child Porn among other like minded criminal crimes had previously fallen on deaf ears in the Liberal Majority Senate, with some bills passing, and some bills left on the table.
Some Liberal politicians and other political parties as well as some Canadians feel the Prime Ministers Crime Bills are too Draconian and should be tempered with rehabilitation, hugs and kisses.
Below is my story link on our Canadian Political Parties Stance on Crime this election season. Certainly once you see who is serious and who is pussyfooting over rehashing old useless crap that isn’t working when the once Ruling Liberal Government implemented it.
The last decade and a half under Liberal Rule will attest to the fact using their formula of Kid Glove treatment for Criminals and revolving door justice with little regard to the victims has been one is one Liberal experiment that has not and never has worked.
The Political Platform the Conservatives are basing a large part of their election strategy on is Crime and Punishment.
Let’s hope Canadians vote with their common sense minds instead of being bombarded with “Long Worn Out One Trick Pony Political Platforms and Nancy Diatribes” like “Global warming”, “Gas prices” “Free Trade”, “We hate Bush”, “Hybrid Cars”, “War in the Middle East” yadda, yadda, blather, slurp, gulp, swallow, gag, etc by the Greens, NDP and Liberal opposition Politicians who want to change the subject, and avoid “Less Groovy Subjects” like “Victims Rights and Crime Bills”!
Canadians only have to pick up a paper, watch television to see a more serious threat such as “Child Flesh peddlers and the Drug Trade” are amongst more serious crimes like gang wars which are hitting us all at home in all cities across Canada should be one in the forefront from all parties, but seem to only be a Crime and Punishment Mandate with the Conservatives.
In ending, I truly hope this young lady gets her one true wish, that her ex-Pimp meets prison justice before he is released. Now that is a wish we can all agree upon. Because let’s face it, we are not all victims, until it happens to us. But it seems many Canadians wait till it happens to them and their family before they act, much like celebrities and politicians who when struck with a life threatening illness or tragedy, all of a sudden see the light and make it their life’s mission to tell the world, unlike ordinary victims who have neither the money, media cache or political platform to do so.
Canada’s blind eye Exposing our nation’s dirty, dark secret
By TAMARA CHERRY, SUN MEDIA Sun, September 28, 2008
Eve was working at a fast food restaurant when one of her “regulars” walked in. It had been months since Eve escaped from two and a half years of sexual slavery — sold to a dozen men a day, around the clock and through her period, every penny passed to her trafficker. “I started hyperventilating.
I just freaked out. Because I don’t want anything to do with them and it brings flashbacks back,” Eve, whose name has been changed to protect her identity, says of the encounter during a recent interview about her human trafficking case.
“The feelings come flooding back in. Feeling scared.
Feeling like I just want to get out of there. Nervous. Uncomfortable. Hurt.” Eve was 12 when she ran away from foster care and ended up in an escort agency.
From agency to pimp to pimp she went until she met the man who pleaded guilty in May to trafficking her. She speaks a little louder than she did six months ago, just three months out of the flesh trade then.
And today her hair is yet another colour, yet another style.
Lots of changes since she was held up at gunpoint in that motel room just outside Toronto, a moment that jerked her past the threats of her trafficker and into a police station.
Tags: Canada | Toronto | Liberals | sex | conservatives | opinion | World | Prime Minister Harper | Crime bill | Child Prostitution