China to hold talks with Dalai Lama envoys

Barry Artiste Op/Ed

Since it has been reported the Dalai Lama gave up hope of ever getting a state of their own, China has handed out a olive branch. Lets hope China is serious this time.

China should know the World will be watching.

China to hold talks with Dalai Lama envoys


BEIJING – China will hold a new round of talks with representatives of the Dalai Lama, state media reported Wednesday, days after the exiled spiritual leader said he had given up on persuading Beijing to allow greater autonomy for Tibet. T

he Xinhua News Agency said the meeting would be held “in the near future” but did not give a specific date.

Discussions will take place despite anti-government riots this spring in the Tibetan capital of Lhasa and “some serious disruptions and sabotages to the Beijing Olympic Games by a handful of ‘Tibet independence’ secessionists,” the report said, citing an unnamed Chinese government official.

It did not elaborate. The Dalai Lama and his government should “treasure this opportunity and make a positive response to the requirements set forth by the central authorities,” the official said.

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