Clinton to Meet with Delegates, Will be Placed in Nomination

DENVER, Colorado (CNN) — Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton likely will release her delegates to Sen. Barack Obama, a Democratic official said Sunday, the eve of the Democratic National Convention.

Sen. Hillary Clinton will meet with her delegates on Wednesday before that night’s roll call, a spokesman says.  
Also Sunday, the Democratic Party decided delegates from Michigan and Florida — states that had been penalized for moving their 2008 presidential primaries to January — will get full voting rights at the event.

The moves answer some questions that lingered ahead of the convention, which starts Monday in Denver.

Clinton, who suspended her presidential campaign in June after Obama secured enough delegates to win the party’s nomination, will meet with her delegates at a reception in Denver on Wednesday afternoon — before that evening’s delegate vote on the nominee, said a Democratic official who asked not to be named.

“[The reception is] an opportunity for Sen. Clinton to see her delegates — many for the first time since the primaries ended — thank them for their hard work and support and most importantly, to encourage them to support and work for Sen. Obama as strongly as she has, in order to elect him in November,” Clinton spokesman Philippe Reines said.

Because Clinton suspended her campaign instead of dropping out, she kept the pledged delegates she earned in the primaries and caucuses. Earlier this month, Obama’s campaign said it agreed to put Clinton’s name in nomination at the convention “in recognition of the historic race she ran and the fact that she was the first woman to compete in all of our nation’s primary contests.” 

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