Clinton Won’t Disclose Names of Donors, but He will Sell them

Clinton Won’t  Disclose Names of Donors to Americans,  but He will Sell them for the Right Price

Commentary by Albert N. Milliron

The Bush Administration is often described as the  most secretive in history.  But according to David Plouffe, Campaign Manager for the Obama campaign, it is really the Clinton’s.

The Obama campaign is returning to the issue of Clinton’s secrecy…

“Behind closed doors, they’re trying to prevent the American people from evaluating [Clinton’s White House] experience,” he said. “You have to wonder whether she’ll be open and honest with the American people as president.”

the most secretive politicians in America today,” he said.

 the statements came as a response to a USA Today article reporting that the Clinton library was withholding information about pardons made near the end of President Clinton’s tenure:

Federal archivists at the Clinton Presidential Library are blocking the release of hundreds of pages of White House papers on pardons that the former president approved, including clemency for fugitive commodities trader Marc Rich.

The archivists’ decision, based on guidance provided by Bill Clinton that restricts the disclosure of advice he received from aides,prevents public scrutiny of documents that would shed light on how he decided which pardons to approve from among hundreds of requests.

Source: via politisite

Politisite recently wrote an article about The Clinton pardons that included two woman from the Weather Underground making Obama’s relationship with Bill Ayers seem comical. Is Obama the only one with a Weather Underground  Connection?

ABC News Blog had this to say about Clinton’s Refusal to release donors Names

Former president Bill Clinton said Thursday that he will not reveal the names of donors to the Clinton Presidential Library unless he is required to by law, rebuffing pressure from his wife’s rivals for more disclosure.

“We don’t believe in one set of rules for us and another set for everybody else,” the former president said at a news conference in New York. “The people that have already given me money, I don’t think I should disclose it unless there is some conflict of which I am aware — and there is not — because a lot of people gave me money with the understanding that they could give anonymously. And if they gave publicly they would be the target for every other politician in America.”

At Wednesday night’s Democratic presidential debate, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., said she was “sure [the former president would] be happy to consider” making public the names of donors to the library. But she refused to say whether she had asked him to do so.

“I don’t talk about my private conversations with my husband,” Clinton said.

Source: via politisite

When the Clinton Tax forms were disclosed Many bloggers and investigative journalists including a story by this writer that appeared on NowPublic and Politisite revealed that Clinton sold part of his donor lost to a data miner company. See Politisite, The Clinton’s Prosper under a Bush Economy

“Bill Clinton received another $800,000 in 2006 and 2007 from  data-mining company infoUSA owned by Vinod Gupta. What did Clinton do for this money?  Maybe sold democratic donors personal information for his own wealth.  You might want to be careful when you send Hillary a check?”

Clinton Library Sells Secret Donor List

Three years after the William J. Clinton Presidential Library opened its doors, the list of donors who helped the former president build his $165 million complex remains a secret from the public.

Yet the Blotter on has learned that the Clinton Foundation sold portions of the list through a data company headed by a longtime friend and donor. 

“The fact that they’ve sold the list and then turned around and said that these names must be kept anonymous completely undercuts their argument,” said Sheila Krumholz of the Center for Responsive Politics, a Washington, D.C.-based government watchdog group that tracks the influence of money in politics.

Source: via politisite

Why did we use Left leaning sources in our articles?  Politisite is a right leaning component of Iron Mill Interactive Media, Inc.  We think it is important that we provide the readers with a balanced view of this subject matter.   Where you come in is in the comments section, Citizen journalist have the ability to respond to any  aspect of what we have presented.  We this NowPublic offers the the ability to get news from every angle and side of an issue.

Albert N. Milliron, Politisite

Bill Clinton Follow the Money Hillary Clinton's Schedules Released - Today Show

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