CNN / YOUTUBE Debate, Chucks for Huck


Chuck Norris shows support for Mike Huckabee

By Albert . Milliron

Photo by

ST. PETERSBURG, Florida, November 28, 2007 1957 (UTC) IMNS & –On a stormy night, in St. Petersburg, Florida, the long awaited CNN YouTube Republican debate is about to begin. The VIPs and Candidates arrived one hour ago from their various hotels and villas around the Tampa Bay area. Familiar faces from all around the news world appeared one by one. One, Carl Cameron, Chief Political Correspondent from Fox News looked like he had a thousand foot or more restraining order as his tent and crew were far off in front of the Progress Energy Arts Center away from most other media. I was able to speak to Carl for a few minutes. Carl is very respected in political news circles as most knowledgeable on the candidates. I usually don’t interview news folks but he is an exception to the rule as one could learn a great deal from him. Carl has access granted only to the top tear professionals. The writer, a former Public Relations Chair of our political party, decided to ask the hard questions. “Carl, Which candidate serves the best food”? Carl grinned, “I don’t eat with the Candidates”. Well the tough question gone. I really thought we could gain insight on which candidate wooed folks in with food. If you are on a diet forget going to Debates, even the news folks get feed well. CNN / YouTube get kudos for the best food here in St. Pete as well as in Charleston the last debate I attended. That aside, the debate about to begin, I noticed in the front row, Chuck Norris, who recently cut a video in support of second Tear Gov. Mike Huckabee of Arkansas.

Gov Huckabee presented better then in any previous debate. He was clear, concise, and provided pointed answers to the questions presented to him. When asked by a Video question about the Death Penalty and what Jesus would do, he related that Jesus was smart enough to never run for public office. Gov. Huckabee a former Baptist preacher certainly knows how to throw out one liners. It is almost a pre-requisite in Seminary to develop sermons that can hold an audience. The audience roared and according to electronic real-time polling provided the highlight of the debate.

Later, in the Spin room, Gov. Huckabee and Congressman Ron Paul were the only candidates to arrive in the spin room. Carl Cameron of Fox News related to me earlier in the day that this is a rather new phenomena starting in 1996 when one of the candidates had a frustrating debate and decided to follow-up with reporter in the spin room which is usually set aside for the spin masters and the candidates Campaign Managers and Media Relations Specialists. Bay Buchannan was there touting Tom Tancredo’s win, in that, the candidates for the first time had several questions about immigration, Tom Tancredo’s single most important issue.

The big surprise was the arrival of Actor Chuck Norris and his wife, former model Gena O’Kelley. Chuck an American martial artist, action star, and Hollywood actor who is most well known for playing Cordell “Cord” Walker on Walker, Texas Ranger, his training with Bruce Lee and for his ironically tough image. Chuck is one of the few political conservatives in Hollywood and has recently endorsed Gov. Mike Huckabee.

INTERVIEW WITH CHUCK NORRIS and Iron Mill New Service had an exclusive interview with Mr., Norris. Prior to the interview, I pulled out a small silver Olympus Digital recorder. When Chuck saw this object I thought I was going to be dropped kicked as it could have been mistaken for a small gun. When I shared it was a digital recorder then he chuckled. Most of the equipment around us was massive and old school. I didn’t realize my Olympus WS-100 could be viewed as anything but a recording devise. But with Chuck Norris as the interviewee, I may do well using a black large recorder. Chuck, Why is Gov. Huckabee your Guy?

Norris -I just think he has the leadership ability and the intelligence to lead our country into the next generation. I have done a lot of research on the other candidates. and he pops to the top as the man I feel leader that can lead our county. Is it because he is a Christian?

Norris -No, No it has nothing to do with it, Romney is a Christian, and John McCain is a strong Christian, they’re all Christians. – So what did you look for?

Norris- what I am looking for is a man with leadership ability and a man that can lead us prosperity and peaceably into the future and I really believe Mike Huckabee is that man. -In past debates I have covered I noticed he was not getting the media coverage the other candidates received. But just look at him today (media around Mike 6 rows on all sides)

Norris -I’ll tell you he is a very sharp guy and if people would just check him out I think they will feel the same way I do that he is the man to lead our county.

PolitisitePolitisite wrote and article looking at him as a viable alternative to the top tier but few know who Mike was.

Norris -Me either, you know how I found out about him? Two boys on a website called the Rebelution, two twins, the Harris twins wrote me on my email and said check out Mike Huckabee we are support him for president. I was like everyone else, I didn’t know who mike Huckabee was so I started checking him out and I began to realize that this is the man who could really lead us in our county. Believe me I did allot of research on all of the candidates before I made a choice. That is why I am here tonight. Since you are one of the few conservative voices in Hollywood I am sure you were very careful before making a stand for a candidate.

Norris – Yes, I did, and I am making a stand for Mike Huckabee. – Thank You Very Much

Norris -Thank You


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