Under Pressure Congress drops plan to Purchase Jets for Members of Congress

Sounds like fiscal conservative outrage has taken flight. Good work to all the bloggers and Tweets that showed Americas outrage to a growing Congressional Carbon Foot print.

Congress drops plans to purchase Jets for Members of Congress
Congress drops plans to purchase Jets for Members of Congress

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. House leaders have dropped plans to spend $550 million in the Air Force budget on passenger jets used by lawmakers and senior government officials, officials said on Monday.

The House of Representatives reversed the move to upgrade the executive jet fleet after public criticism, opposition from other lawmakers and the Defense Department had said it did not need more planes that it had requested.

“If the Department of Defense does not want these aircraft, they will be eliminated from the bill,” Representative John Murtha, chairman of a House panel on defense appropriations, said in a statement.

Please read the full article at Congress drops plan to spend $550 million on new jets | Politics | Reuters.