Congressman Conyers’ Wife Sentenced To Three Years in Prison

Former Detroit City Council member Monica Conyers, the wife of House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers (D-Mich.), was sentenced to three years and one month in prison Wednesday for her part in a bribery scandal.
She pleaded guilty in June to conspiracy for accepting at least $6,000 in exchange for her support of a $1.2 billion waste disposal contract for Synagro Technologies. The ex-council member tried to withdraw her plea Wednesday saying she was “badgered” into making the deal, according to the Associated Press. But, U.S. District Judge Avern Cohn said her plea was made voluntarily, according to the AP.
“If I have to, I’ll go to jail for what I’ve done, but I won’t go for what I didn’t do,” Conyers told the judge, according to Detroit’s WXYZ-TV.
Monica Conyers is slated to begin her prison sentence on July 1 but has 10 days to appeal her sentence. She will also serve two years of probation.
According to Roll Call, it is unclear whether John Conyers attended the sentencing, but he was not present for any of the  House roll call votes Wednesday afternoon. A representative for John Conyers did not immediately respond to requests for comment from Main Justice.
via Conyers’ Wife Sentenced To Three Years in Prison – Main Justice.