‘Convention 101’ Goes Online at DemConvention.com

‘Convention 101’ Goes Online at DemConvention.com

April 21, 2008

New Online Content Detailing Rules and Mechanics of the Nomination Process to Serve as Go-To Resource for Information on Party Business at Core of Convention

DENVER – The Democratic National Convention Committee (DNCC) today launched “Convention 101,” a series of new web pages at DemConvention.com detailing the rules and mechanics governing the Democratic Party’s nomination process. The extensive online content also includes an inside look at much of the Party business conducted at each and every Democratic National Convention. The 2008 Democratic National Convention will be held August 25-28, 2008 at the Pepsi Center in Denver, Colo.

“Not only will our Convention be technically flawless, but the rules and Party business conducted in the lead-up to and during Convention week will be open, orderly and credible,” said Leah D. Daughtry, CEO of the DNCC. “DemConvention.com will be a tremendous resource for those interested in the significant amount of Party business that sits at the core of every Convention. I think this new content makes clear our goal is to run this Convention as a well-oiled machine, while producing an engaging celebration of the strength of the Democratic Party, the diversity we embrace, the values we share and the change we will accomplish on behalf of the American people.”

Laid out as a series of educational lessons, “Convention 101” includes information on the extensive planning process that takes place in advance of the Convention and what happens and when during the four-day event.

The 2008 Democratic National Convention will be the culmination of more than two years of formal planning by the Democratic Party to structure a nominating cycle and nominating Convention representing the Party’s principles, values and diversity. The planning process, including the role of the prestigious Standing Committees, is now outlined in detail under “Lesson 1: Convention Lead-Up”  on the site. As Convention participants are certified by Alice Germond, Secretary of the Democratic National Committee, the names of each participant to the 2008 Convention will be posted to this section of the site. This section will also indicate the presidential candidate to whom pledged delegates are pledged.

Convention week itself is explained under “Lesson 2: At the Convention”  and includes a typical day in the life of a delegate, how and when pledged and unpledged delegates cast their votes and the role alternate delegates play in the event. The section also outlines the requirements necessary to secure the Democratic nomination for President of the United States.

Additional features, listed under “Extra Credit,”   include a glossary, a “Convention by the Numbers” fact sheet and an interactive feature, “Ask Phil.” There, users can submit inquiries on the mechanics, rules and processes governing the Convention. Each week, Phil McNamara, Director of Party Affairs and Delegate Selection, will select one question to answer and post on the site.

The Democratic National Convention is expected to pump an estimated $160 million into the Denver area’s economy and draw as many as of 50,000 visitors to the region.

Source: demconvention.com via politisite

'Convention 101' Goes Online at DemConvention.com

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